Where I was, I have came along way with your help

by skyking 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • skyking

    This is were I was years ago. I wrote the below as a reminder and as a way for my kids in the future to understand their dad emotional pain leaving the BORG. If I ever am going to write a Book of my life this latter of pain will definitely be in it.

    Speaking for someone raised as a Jehovah's Witness and at one time a very devout believer willing to die and even worse I would have even allowed my own children to die for the most sacred of all of Jehovah's Witnesses teachings, the 'law on blood', this is just one of many sacred laws that Jehovah's Witness adhere too. They do not allow a blood transfusion for themselves or anyone else in his immediate family under his charge.

    When I was faced with a choice remain faithful or allow my baby girl to die for this sacred law, my choice was, remain faithful and let her die. The state of Washington took legal action against me. But as things turned out she did not need the transfusion and is healthy and happy today. But leave no doubt about it I would have let her die, if that had been my test. I knew God had the power to give all that I sacrificed back too me in the resurrection.

    This is the same type of thinking that has filled the earth with terrorists willing to do anything for their Gods. I understand them perfectly. I was faithful to a fault. It is unimaginable, this type of thinking to the ordinary person, the power that the Jehovah's Witnesses Organization has over it's members. Everything in a believer's life is programmed by the Society teachings. Easier it would be cutting off ones arms and legs than go against one of the core teachings. At least if he cut off his arms and legs his family and friends would be there for him, giving him understanding and comfort.

    Unimaginable emotional pressure from family, friends, and even ones own mind grips a Witness like pangs of a pregnant woman when he first starts doubting. His mind races, his heart pounds, his physical body hurts. He can't think of anything that could possibly be worse. He starts doubting his own sanity. The Society speaks for God and doubt the Organization is doubting God. The only thing left that could ease the pain is eternal death but even then he knows this would not erase the emotional pain. It would somehow manage to still be there. The only way to remove his doubt is prove to himself that he is wrong and the Society is correct. The opposite is unthinkable.

    That's what I tried to do. The only way I could erase the emotional pain from my mind was study harder and prove my thinking was wrong. So I started to do the unthinkable, that is, study my doubts by using not only the Witness publications but also outside publications and the 'I' word: the Internet.

    Desperately I tried finding something to hang onto, just one irrefutable fact to hold onto was all I asked, just one. When a member gets to this point he becomes paranoid like a character in the novel 1984. The "thought police" are watching. You can not trust anyone, not your wife, husband, not even your own kids. Especially no one in the congregation. When you talk too other Witnesses you watch every word you say trying not to slip up. Because if you are found out the Elder's will hunt you down like a rabid dog. This independent thinking can't be allowed. An example is what you'll become. The Elders will excommunicate you-- a fate that is equal to death. Your life, your friends, your family, will be gone the only course of action is move on without those you love, or lie and admit your thinking is wrong. You become a person without a face. No one's there, alone, where is my help, my comforter?

    The mind control is overwhelming; it completely controls the inner self. To break away is equivalent to peeling one's flesh off with his bear hands. So desperately you guard your secret, you must hold it close or be found out. Facts cannot be ignored no more than one can raise a dead man. The only thing you have left is admit you have been mislead. It would have been easier finding out the earth was flat than believe the life saving spiritual blood that issues from the Society is wrong, worse, deliberately misleading.

    I have read many stories of individuals that have left the Organization behind and their stories echo the same fear, the emotional pain, the guilt, that I have lived through. I have lived through the pain of loosing my brother.... He had a long life ahead of him. Then loosing his boy years later.... Then...my brother's daughter was killed. She was nine months pregnant when a drunk driver killed her. She was the last heir of my brother. My brother's wife hangs onto the resurrection hope so dearly seeing her grieve is agonizing. Oh lord help me!

    As hard as all of this has been, loosing my brother and his kids is nothing close to the emotional pain that I have been through and am still going through since I have found out what the Society has done and is knowingly still doing. I have constant nightmares that leave me emotionally drained. I wake arguing with my older brother over facts that he admits are true, but he can't admit too himself. If he thinks the facts are wrong why does he not love me enough to prove too me the facts are wrong? I am dead in his eyes. We have not spoken in years. This brother of mine, the closest person too me in this world, has given me over to the thought police. I feel sorry for him. He is punishing the wrong person. It is not my fault that the Society has done these things, and are still doing them.



  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once


    It's an amazing thing what ideas can do. We latch onto these doctrines designed to ease our guilt or provide needed hope against the crashing waves of our own mortality. We will do anything to appease the fates, Gods or karmic wheel so that we might avoid eternal suffering. We know all too well about suffering here and now, the thought of it being eternal on some level is unbearable. The promise of something better gives purpose to our current suffering. Our suffering makes sense because we attach a purpose to it, INTEGRITY TO GOD. Right, he needs that from us. Pick a God, any God. The reality is, we still get the flu. (feeling better finally)

    You have come a long way. Continue to see clearly. My condolences on your brother wasting precious time. We just don't get it back. I wish you success in new friendships and trusting relationships with others. Also, enjoy your family, because whether a JW or not, they are truly the only ones we even have shot a at having any loyalty from. Maybe your brother will figure that out before it's too late.

    Thanks for sharing here Sky.


  • Gregor

    Sky - I can relate to so many things you wrote, we could be twins. On a fairly regular basis a poster on this site will say something like "well, ok, you don't want to be a JW anymore, so get on with your life and forget about it!" When you have been what we have been through, especially the decisions to sacrifice a loved one because the WTS called for it, you never forget or forgive.

  • jambon1

    Mate, again I will say that your thoughts are like a mirror of mine.

    It is a very hard thing to heal after the org. I think it is much, much harder if you have all/most of the family in.

    I wish you well in everything and I am was so sorry to hear about what your brother and his kids.

    Best wishes pal,


  • skyking

    After all the years my older brother still does not talked to me. He has been removed as an Elder, his perfect little boy's are now JW's run amoks that drink and do drugs. He has had several break downs. With all that said when I have tried to talk to him all he say's it is all my fault and hangs up the phone. Yap it is all my fault he stays in the BORG when he knows deep down it is wrong. This is called Cognitive dissonance link to Wikipedia meaning: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance

    I have good friends now. Many, many ex JDUBS and people that like me for whom I am. I have helped many close friends see the light of the BORG. Life is good. Christmas is fun the kids love it. Going to the PUBS is fun and dancing. Life now has never been better.

    I still harbor great animosity towards the BORG. I am still pissed, probably always will be.

  • Blueblades

    Skyking! Thanks for that review. It helps one to keep things in perspective and gives one pause. My family is intact, as we got out all together and have not suffered the things you have. May you have peace and happiness this x-mas season.


  • jgnat

    One of the bravest things ANYONE can do is face themselves...the ugly parts. To FACE UP to the deception you were living in...even risking the life of your child... is so very brave, and RARE.

    Most people, both in and outside the Witnesses, prefer the comfort of living in their self-deception. Be proud of what you have accomplished.

  • anewme

    Skyking, that was so well written and shows the terrible torture of soul and conscience one endures while struggling with exiting issues.

    So much sorrow.

    Some days all that sorrow comes back to me so fresh and raw and painful.

    But now I have mental tools and use them to quickly replace those unhealthy obsessive thoughts and feelings with the realization that just as I took the whole JW obedience thing so seriously, I might be taking my exit from it all too seriously too. Part of the trouble might be with me. So I make an effort to lighten up and think more secularly and more shallowly. When I get into that dark Watchtower funk I try to take a step back psychologically and see the whole thing as ridiculous and a joke. A joke on me.

    It is good to get out of the house and go take a walk in some beautiful setting. Sin and unhappiness are no where to be seen out in nature. The beauty, the calm, the tranquility, remind us that reality may be very different than the torture we put ourselves through.

    Yes, it is amazing how JWD has helped us WAY MORE THAN ANY THERAPIST EVER COULD!

    (do we owe Simon any money for this therapy? shhhhhhhh)

  • TopHat

    Yes, skyking, Life is good withOUT the Borg controling our lives. Some of us manage to come out of our stupor and like your brother some never will. We can only hope that the ones we love will wake up to the LIE.

  • jimbo

    Skyking well written...

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