My First Shunning ...

by exwitless 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jourles

    Well, other than my parents giving me the cold shoulder, I have only seen, not spoken to, two witnesses from a distance in public. The first time was at my gym when I saw an elder from my wife's hall. I was coming in and he was going out. I just caught a glimpse of his face and it took me a few seconds to register who it was. By the time we had passed each other, it was already too late to say something. His glance at me probably had him thinking, "Where do I know him from??" He probably realized who he passed after he went outside. The other time was when I was coming out of the grocery store on a Sunday afternoon on my way to the Y for my vb league. The sister and her two little boys were dressed up and likely just got out of the meeting. I just walked through the door and she was coming in from the parking lot. She didn't notice me though(I don't think she did - she never made eye contact with me).

    I'm coming up on two years of being df'd and these are the best examples I have of being "shunned." lol

  • garybuss

    A few of the people who decided it would be wise and prudent for them to shun and snub me were people who depended on me or might have depended on me for human needs. These are people who believe a person reaps what they sow. I agree with that.

    I help my disabled son in spite of his behavior and I will continue with that. The rest have a problem.

  • dobbie

    Sorry you had to go through that ex-w. I'm shunned daily by the mothers at my childs small school, 4 in his -great! But there are two positive things about it that i tell myself - 1 it makes the jw religion look downright BAD to non jws cos they can't believe how ex jw are treated so it puts them off the religion and 2 it certainly makes me extra sure that i'll never step inside a kingdom hall again, those conditional 'friendships' ain't worth anything! So really, they're doing me a favor!

  • lfcviking

    Well 'exwitless' this goes to show that when you make friendships in the kingdom hall, its not genuine its CONDITIONAL. Its on the basis that you remain an active JW and upon doing so you will have the 'Brothers' and 'Sisters' interested in you and your well being. But as soon as your face goes missing from the meetings for a period of time, well your so-called KH friends just don't bother with you and when you see them out in public like you did you get a cold & awkward shunning like that. I personally havent been to a meeting all year and how many visits have i had off people from the KH i thought were my friends? NONE!!!! It makes me sad because when i first came into this religion i gave up my worldly mates some of which i'd known for years. So i made sacrifices because i thought i was doing the right thing. Yes i and many of us here on this Web have been led astray by this silly, deceptive, mind & life controlling cult that takes everything and gives you nothing but Bulls**t back.

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