My Son Told Me Today That..................

by lovelylil 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    When I was twelve, my dad dismissed my dream to be a writer. No money in it. A good part of the rest of my wandering education/career was spent fighting off my natural profession.

    Don't get between a kid and his dream. Don't dismiss it. You never know.

  • OuterBanks NC
    OuterBanks NC

    The Navy Seals are so extreme, and difficult to get into it's unfathomable. I have good friends in the military both enlisted and officers. I would use his dream to make sure he is futhering his study. Make sure he knows he needs to get to Annapolis for the Naval Academy. The life of an officer, and a Seal, would still be difficult, but a career choice certainly.

  • Carol

    Quick note to JW Daughter......the correct title is "The Marine Band". A Marine is a member of the Marine Corp and it is the Marine Band. While the members are Marines, their training is somewhat differant, but no less stringent.

    As to the young man that wants to be a Navy Seal, it is an honorable ambition. My son wanted to be a Marine. From the time he was 5 he ate, drank and slept being a Marine when he grew up. I never discouraged him, I listened when he wanted to discuss his ambitions and when he asked for my opinions I told him that what he wanted to do was honorable and that if he were to be come a Marine I would back him 100%. As he grew older, I expressed my concerns and fears of losing him and I also explained to him that he must be prepared to kill and to be killed as he would most certainly have to go to war at some point. I also explained to him that he would be fighting and possibly killing some other mother's son that felt the same way about their child and loved their child as much as I did and that the "other side" felt they were just a right as we are. To make a long story short the young man of 5, 8, 12 and 18.......and is now 31, never joined the USMC, because, while it appeared to be glamorous and it was a noble and honorable profession.... he did not feel he wanted to die for decisions made at the whims of , sopoliticians.

    So as others have said, give it there when your son wants to talk, but don't object so much that when your son reaches the rebellious stage he joins just to prove he can. Have him join JrROTC (either Navy or USMC), have him speak to a recruiter and find out what the requirements are as to education, grades, etc. Make a deal with him to wait to enlist until after college, if his goal is to be a SEAL, he'll need a college education...a lot can happen between ages 12 and 22!

  • lovelylil

    Thanks everyone for the good advice.

    Carol - I said the same thing as you word for word! I know he is so young and will most likely change his mind later. It just hit me so off guard because he was raised a JW with NO military toys or guns most of his life and he wants to be in the military anyway. Lilly

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