Was this really a smart choice of words?

by sammielee24 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    I was watching Pres Bush in a speech telling the world that he is 'compelled' and 'driven by a higher power'. That God wants him to give people around the world freedom. That 'this crusade', the USA is on.............well...that was part of it and I sat there thinking. Bush is in the middle east - where he really has no friends - an Islamic country - was using the word Crusade and God really a wise choice of words? My first thought was OMG - what a fool. I've been waiting for the news to start rolling with it here but it's been pretty quiet - however - I did see that the Islamic news started posting 'Bush in Crusade against Islam' on their websites - this according to the one of the bottom tickets on CNN or MSNBC or one of those news shows. sammieswife

  • lola28

    LOL, Bush and smart don't go hand in hand.


  • lovelylil

    I am with lola. He may have actually been less of a target for religious radicals if he had instead of making that statement - just painted a big red bullseye on his back. lol, Lilly

  • bigmouth

    ''driven by a higher power'. That God wants him to give people around the world freedom. '!!
    This is the language of a radical religious man. Has George W. ever made these quasi-religious statements before?

    Does George believe he's the new messiah? And should I feel glad he's on my side?


  • Abaddon

    Hehe... Bush is the only President who has dropped bombs that are smarter than he is...

  • Clam

    "You never know what your history is going to be like until long after you're gone." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 5, 2006

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    Did he happen to mention if his higher power was named Donald Rumsfeld?

  • jaguarbass

    Hello Sammieswife: I dont care for or like Bush at all. But in answer to your question was this a smart choice of words? Bush saying that he is compelled and driven by a higher power. Sometimes I have to wonder. In the bible there is a scripture that says God chooses the King. That could be because I am pretty sure the majority of the American people did not choose W. So I can see some bible thumper making an argument that Bush is compelled and driven by a higher power. Bush is like Baalams ass, or just an ass. You could argue he is an instrument of God. But like all other biblical arguments that and $1.25 will get you a small cup of coffee at Mcdonalds.

    If I didnt answer your question ,and you meant was it a smart choice of words in that the words would stir the rest of the world up and cause the muslims to hate the US. Then just turn the W. upside down for Moron. M.

  • sammielee24
    was it a smart choice of words in that the words would stir the rest of the world up and cause the muslims to hate the US. Then just turn the W. upside down for Moron. M.

    yeah..that's what I meant. The word crusade, coming from a Christian fundamentalist while in a Muslim country teaming with their own fundamentalists - well - it just doesn't equate to a whole lot of smarts. I mean, is he hoping for a personal physical attack on himself to justify some massive further action toward Iran? It's been written for years that the attempted attack on his father and his wife so many years ago, was one of the major reasons for attacking Iraq - revenge - but surely he wouldn't use himself purposely as a target to fuel some payback toward other countries there? I think he should just come home..sammieswife.

  • daystar
    (singing) I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! I mean S-M-A-R-T!


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