Blood fractions insert covered in tonight's service meeting

by becca1 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I personally believe that more JWs refuse blood because of all the medical scare tactics of the WTS rather than the religious reasons. Most JWs start out talking about how unsafe blood is, how they can get STDs, AIDs, etc., can be transmitted. Until that barrier is broken, I can't see JWs accepting fractions. Many non-JWs I know don't want to have a blood transfusion unless they are going to die for sure on the table without it.


  • sammielee24
    Many times the WTS just lets an old doctrine die out with one generation (smile) rather than make a big deal about it. They will even imply that the new way was really the old way all along and that individual JWs just misunderstood

    Kind of like the governing body - wasn't one until the 70's but you're supposed to believe there has always been one......sammieswife

  • Quandary

    Becca- The one who had the part tonite went overtime, we ended the meeting at9:25!!! My dad, the PO was livid! One of the old timers, elder too (80 yrs old, third generation) said after the meeting to me, "this is all nonsense, I'm from the old school, NO blood means NO blood." I said, "I believe life is a gift from God that should be cherished and appreciated which we show by guarding it with the utmost care." He said, "I can see your point" in a way that implied he thought I was being too shallow in my thinking. LIttle does he know that I am of the belief that since Christ gave his blood for our salvation, why shouldn't we give blood or recieve blood to save our own or our loved one's life? The Bible's prohibition of blood has NOTHING to do with transfusions. There is too much twisted reasoning, which in essence is utter nonsense when trying to imply that it should apply to transfusions!



    "The new way was really the old way all along,individuall Jehovah`s Witness`s just misunderstood."..Observation courtesy of Blondie..I love the bright minds on this board...OUTLAW

  • SirNose586

    The meeting on this part is tomorrow, but thankfully I'll be at school. I doubt there would be any fireworks--no feisty oldtimers--but I would love to get people to notice the inconsistencies...

  • Clam

    Becca - Good for that old brother.

    It is confusing, which is ok when you're dealing with other Watchtower

    ä rubbish, but of course this is potentially lethal.

    My wife is a midwife who often deals with Dubs in her work. Firstly the pregnant sister

    ä doesn't want to discuss it because she defers to her husband, and then the brother ä can't explain what she can or can't take in the event of a potential post partum hemorrhage.

    The consultant hematologist at her hospital has visited the Kingdom Hall

    ä where she has not been able to get reasonable or logical answers from the Elders ä , and she's even phoned Brooklyn where also no one could help her.

    It's all like a sick joke, yet the HLC

    ä continue to turn up at the hospital like a group of vultures. I already know of one death due to this fiasco and I get so angry when I know there could be more.

  • Gill

    The whole policy of No Blood Transfusions is so confused now that it shows itself up to be the total and utter BS that it always was.

    I wonder if the FDS will be forced to revert to NO BLOOD PRODUCTS AR ALL UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES or if they've stepped over the line now and gone too far the other way and will just make Blood Transfusions and 'don't ask and don't tell' policy in future.

    The more they discuss the subject at the KH the more confused the 'brethern' become.

    My mother's explanation? 'Blood fractions are only taken by the 'spiritually weak who have no faith in the resurrection! Those with REAL faith would NEVER take blood products of any kind!'

    Yeah, Well! What can you say! The oldies just won't let it go. They been fed lies that blood is 'the bogey man' for too long!

  • Zico

    Our speaker said it's like having an apple pie. Once you break the pie down into different ingredients like sugar and stuff, it's not an apple pie anymore, and you have to decide for yourself at what point in the breakdown it becomes just different ingredients rather than just an apple pie. I don't understand how this applies to blood? Did anyone else think the demonstration was pointless and stupid? Perhaps mine was different, but the brother sat down and all he basically said was 'I've watched the video, and read the recent awake, lots of good information in them, and now I've decided what to do. Just to write it down on my medical directive form' Ok... and? What was the point?

  • Midget-Sasquatch


    The demo at the meeting I went to last night was almost identical. The society actually prepared an outline for the whole part and I doubt if any dub giving the part strayed from it. Needless to say it sucked. The only redeeming aspect of it all was that the part highlighted the allowance of personal choice (well to the degree that the WTS must allow to cover their a$$)

    The level of understanding and confusion is still fairly high from what I saw and heard. And if the Society went into more detail I 'm sure it would have been worse. Eg. No one I spoke to realized that immunoglobulins are antibodies ...sure you'd collect the fraction from the plasma, but they weren't told the basic fact that Igs are produced from certain white blood cells.

  • dozy

    If anyone wants to view the outline , follow thi

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