No school again today

by Mulan 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess

    My fabulous coffee machine died on me so I had to brave the cold and drive to Williams Sonoma to get it replaced. Then Steve made me hurry home so he could take the old 4WD to work. The nice newer one is sitting in the driveway covered in snow and ice. Fat lot of good it does me there!

    We have so many plumbing calls to make but it's just impossible to get to them! Totally frustrating. We are supposed to thaw out over night. Then the real fun begins. When the frozen pipes thaw, they make quite a mess, and the phone rings like crazy.

    When I got home from the mall, I backed into the driveway and slid back into the street. The kids found it hilarious. So I backed up the drive again, shut off the car and slid back down again. Then all the snow piled up on the roof came sliding down the windshield. The kids were in hysterics but I couldn't get the stupid Land Cruiser to stay put! So I left it there. Stooopid car.

  • Mulan

    I would have been laughing too. That's funny.

    Insurance adjuster came to look at our car today...............we went into a ditch on Sunday during the second wave of the Sunday snowstorm. He said it's the busiest they have been in 10 years and the main office sent "disaster relief" teams to help with all the claims.

    He left me with a nice fat check (Made out to the Toyota place and to me, to get it fixed). Our deductible was only $250 so it was well worth it to file the claim. He said they are happy to pay these claims since, no one was hurt, and we didn't damage anyone else's property. Just our car.

  • smellsgood

    Wow, Mulan, Seattle is having some crazy weather right now isn't it?

    It's a bit funny to me though that the schools in Seattle will close for that much snow, when over here on the eastside of the state it's snowed 6-8 inches at least, is 10 degrees outside today, and I'm certain the schools have not closed for even one day of it.

    Last year when I would drive my brother and sister to school from time to time, it was so slick that the Jeep Grand with 4x4 would crazy slip all over the place. It was snow on top of ice. No school cancellations though!!! So brilliant!!! I get quite pissed off about it.

    anyways, I wish I was in Seattle right now, I really miss it. Snoqualmie seems a little treacherous at the moment though :)

  • Princess

    Glad you were able to get that $$$ from the insurance company. At least they come through on occasion, eh?

    Since the weather is holding, I sent Steve out to fix some freeze breaks. It's only going to get busier as it thaws out.

    We just aren't prepared for snow on this side of the state. It's very hilly, no matter where you go, and the DOT doesn't have enough snowplows or sanding trucks to clear all the streets. Since the high schools start by 7am, the buses are out on the streets when it's still very icy and treacherous. I don't think they had to close the schools once last year for snow, it's a pretty rare occurance to see snow and ice around here, and the kids are having a blast.

    My son is bummed that he might have to actually go to school this week. Friday is a teacher day at school, no kids! So, at the very most, they will only have one day of school and have been off since Thanksgiving. He's complaining.

  • Mysterious

    I wish the snow had closed the school here. The public transit was running 30-60 minutes late all day made it hell to get anywhere on time. On top of that it was way way colder than normal this time of year (-25C/-13F)

  • Gregor

    Easterners must remember that we in the NW don't consistently have winter ice/snow every year and that we have a hilly terrain.The combination of the two really hits us hard when we get a series of severe storms like we're having now.

    PS - Did you know that Portland, Oregon is about 30 miles further north (latitude) than Montreal, Canada ?

  • smellsgood

    Well, Ok, on the news today I get what's going on a little better.

    It's so funny it rarely snows on the Western side of Washington it seems to me, and to see how slick the roads got and the people sliding off or pulling their car over because they just can't drive in it... yeah, good thing school was cancelled.

    I guess maybe over here in Eastern Washington we're more used to it, and the DOT seems to be better prepared perhaps with sand/plows/ de-icers.

    Mulan, I would love to see any pictures of Seattle you'd be willing to post :)

    I really want banana, flattened from Trader Joes right now if you'd like to send me some :)

  • Gregor

    I really want banana, flattened from Trader Joes right now if you'd like to send me some :)

    ?? Is this some kind of kinky sex code?

  • funkyderek


    still wearing t-shirts in scotland

    well..drunks and hos are

    Or the Scottish, as they're also known

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