No school again today

by Mulan 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    For the second day in a row, the schools are closed because of the snow. Very strange for November.

    It is COLLLLDDDDD today and the roads are solid ice after the bit of a thaw yesterday. Another big snowstorm hit last evening. It didn't get to us for very long, but Seattle and the cities North of us all got hammered. It must have arched around us.

    It's 20 degrees now and may get up to 31 later today. Looks like there won't be another snowstorm, at least for awhile.

    The Seahawks game was in Seattle right in the middle of the snowstorm.


  • liquidsky

    Good morning Mulan!

    Yes it is very coooollllllld! It's measuring 23 degrees right now. We only got about 2 inches of snow last night in Tacoma. Not very much. I tried to drive into work this morning and I wasn't able to get my car up my driveway. I live on a very steep hill and it's so icey! Looks likes I'm working from home today until it thaws enough for me to leave. I don't feel like driving around with all those crazy people who don't know how to drive in snow anyway.

    Yesterday was a nightmare. I live 5 minutes from work and it took me 40 minutes to get there. All because someone decided to stop thier car on an icey hill and try to turn around. It caused a huge mess.

  • luna2

    Yikes! Sounds like a real mess. You've got cold and snow on the northwestern coast...we've got unseasonably warm temps on the northeastern coast. I don't want snow, but this 50-60° stuff is odd for November here.

  • Snoozy

    Well it's almost 70 here in Missouri!

    Going to change tomorrow though. They predict a sharp change...Possibly snow.

    I remember when I was a 12 year old wearing shorts in Dec. That would have been about 1954?

    We usually have a mild winter when it gets warm this time of year. But I could be wrong...

    At least I got most of my Xmas shopping done..

    Sorry you guys are having Ice..that sucks big time.The people in Missouri don't know how to drive on Ice...

    We get teased about it big time..


  • whyamihere

    Now you know how WI is....getting a little taste of the good life!

    Last night, I was watching the football game and I swear they were playing at Lambeau in Green Bay!

    All we have is rain - seems like we are getting your weather and you are getting ours. I want the snow back! I am getting Jealous with your weather....sniff!

    I can't wait until we get that snow, because I getting snow board fever since my Dr cleared me in going ....YAY! **Gets on my knees and starts to pray for snow**

    Enjoy it Mulan! (((Hug)))


  • tijkmo

    still wearing t-shirts in scotland

    well..drunks and hos are

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Just wet and cool here in Northern California. Threatening rain a bit and gray skys. Today looks like it might clear off a bit. Yeehawwww. Sorry about your snow. I'm sure the wind doesn't help.


  • Jourles

    62 and partly cloudy here in mid-Michigan. And I already winterized and stored my motorcycle - damn it all!

    I agree with Brooke, where's our freakin' snow at already?! Ski season is fast approaching. How the heck am I gonna go skiing on Christmas day with all the other JW's if there's no snow?

  • restrangled

    Muggy and warm here in Florida. Had to turn on the AC this morning.


  • hambeak

    Cloudy and nice here in Dallas supposed to hit 80 today and then WA storm hits here thursday with a hard freeze upper 20's and cold friday and then back to 70's for the weekend. I wish it would snow

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