When going door to door, what comments or questions made you think?

by tioga joe 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tioga joe
    tioga joe

    A JW and his wife have been coming by every week. I started out from the get-go saying that I would listen because I had an interest in ALL religions and would like to learn the JW beliefs just to know that they believe. This is a very good learning experience because it makes me evaluate what I believe and why I believe it. I've often come away saying to myself "It is kind of silly for JW's to believe and do that, but then I am just as bad in this other area of my own belief!" The "study course" has made me learn a lot, though perhaps not in the way intended.

    Along the way there have been a few times when I've asked or said something that really makes my JW think. They are not usually planned remarks, usually I am just pointing out something that does not make sense to me in the book we are reading. Or other times he tells me something that seems to contradict something we just read and I ask him about it. For example, we were going over the chapter on demons and he told me this story about an angel (in the form of a person) who helped someone on a death march during a war. It was something he really deep down believed (or wanted to believe). We had just read in the JW book "Today, angels no longer appear visibly to God's people on earth." So I asked him if the JW book was wrong since his belief is that an angel DID visibly appear. Does he have to believe what is in the book even though there isn't any scriptural support listed, just because the Organizaion says so? Is his belief based on scripture or man? He really thought and chattered about trying to make sense (which it did not). He had to really think for himself. Finally he said that this was one of the "rare" times that the JW book says something that the sincere reader does not really have to believe.

    So my question is to those who went door to door. Do you have any anecdotes of a comment or situation where the lightbulb came on and made you think for yourself?

  • Seeker4

    There were comments in books that made me think, but not so many when I was going house to house. I bet a thinking person with some knowledge of JWs and the Bible could really get a Witness tied in knots, if they were pleasant and not argumentative.

    I'm interested if some have been in the circumstance you mention.


  • PrimateDave

    I recall one time when a person asked me why Jesus didn't write any books of the Bible himself. It was a very good question for which I had no answer (and still don't).


  • megsmomma

    I think it is great that you are trying to help "your" JW! I could write some things, but there is a web-site you could look at to help you get some knowledge.. http://www.jwfiles.com/index.htm It shows alot of things that they have taught that are very off. Din't be disappointed if the witnesses stop coming to you after you talk about some of the harder issues. Their purpose is to get you to convert, not to learn something from you. But...you may be very usefull in planting a seed that may bloom later. Welcome to the boards!

  • skyking

    How the HELL are you? Come in and have a beer.

    That use to real make me think what Hell am I doing.

  • MsMcDucket

    What made me question myself and my ability to be a Witness is? Why can't I love the whole association of brothers and sisters? The bible said if you can't love your brother who you can see than you can't love God. I knew I was a goat because I didn't love ALL of the brothers and sisters. There was something wrong with ME.

  • Woodsman

    Why are other religions false when they teach things that are not true but you are not false for teaching things that are not true, you are just getting new light. Have some of their false teachings ready like armageddon in 1914 etc.

  • Abandoned

    I didn't like trying to explain things about being no part of the world. It seemed so arbitray on what we did and didn't do and where the dividing line was. Plus, what good did being no part of the world do? Who ever benefited from it? Did god look down from heaven and smile because I was being an arrogant putz to another one of his creatures?

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