Takes a long time to cure homosexuality

by Norm 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • funkyderek


    Therefore he CAUGHT homosexuality off someone or something. Maybe he sat next to someone who is a secret gay? Maybe they didn't even know themselves, they're just a 'carrier'...

    He probably caught it off Mike Jones, the gay escort he was blowing for three years.

  • lighthouse19something

    i met a non-jw woman (full gospel member) that said had a lesbian spirit cast out of her, now she judges men by their penis size. I think maybe she just traded demons,haha.

  • RunningMan

    You know, there must be some pharmaceuticals that could help him. Has anyone developed a gay "patch", or perhaps a gum of some sort? Then, whenever he felt a bit gay, he could pop some gum into his mouth.

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    You know, there must be some pharmaceuticals that could help him. Has anyone developed a gay "patch", or perhaps a gum of some sort? Then, whenever he felt a bit gay, he could pop some gum into his mouth. LMAO!!! Sorry... there is no "patch" available yet. However, scientist are having some luck with suppositories

  • Alpheta

    Yeah, well, what about his wife and children? Does the fact that he deceived them mean nothing? It's all chuckle chuckle with some of you posters. But real people have been hurt here, and I don't mean the asshole himself, who lied and cheated and schemed. I'm GLAD he got busted, and I'm GLAD he's going to be supposedly "reprogrammed" by a bunch a so-called Xtian hypocrites. He deserves everything he gets. His family does not.

  • Abaddon


    Nice to see you class someone in total psychological melt-down due to being forced to live a lie or lose everything in the same class as a guy who jumps into bed with another woman for fun. Sweet. Seems your human understanding is on a par with those you call Xtian hypocrites. As no one has defended his actions I think you'll find you can have this argument with yourself.

  • Satanus

    Christian fundies are so wacked about stuff like this. There are scientists who may have found the gene involved in homosexuality. This could develop into a 'cure' for human homosexuality. Yet, those scientists are being attacked by fundies. That is because their research suggests that homosex is genetically based, not decision based.

    Catherine Dulac at Harvard University has found that mutating a single pheromone receptor in male mice makes them attempt to have sex with males that intrude on their territory, instead of trying to fight with them. It is absolutely stunning that changing a single gene -- even changing a single letter of the DNA code -- could have such tremendous and specific consequences on behavior.

    Even more amazing, it turns out that in the fruit fly Drosophila there is a single gene that can confer both male and female sexual behavior. This gene can be read in either of two forms, much like if you and I were each quoting an article you might elide ("...") one paragraph while I might elide another, keeping the same key information but changing certain details. Similarly, this gene is read slightly differently in males than in females. Forcing males to express the female form of the gene makes them stop mating with females and instead become interested in other males; likewise, females expressing the male form of the gene begin performing the male part of the courtship ritual. If you had said fifteen years ago that sexual preference could be controlled by a single gene, I would have called you a nut.



  • SirNose586

    Ted needs a 4-day all-expenses paid pass to the Bunny Ranch in Nevada. That'll cure him allright.

  • looking_glass

    What I love is that fundie zealots that buy into his lies all gathered together on a Sunday and prayed for him and have "forgiven" him for his sins. But they still condem the gay man that outed Haggard. Funny how they freely forgave the man who was leading a double life and who was content to live a lie and condem others, but the guy who was true to who he is, is made out to be the bad guy.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    You've got to put the fear-o-god in that wayward man by punishing him with nuthin less than the thunderbolts of Zeus.

    Thats to say----> shock the hell out of him.Train him like Pavlov's dog. Whenever you catch him eyeing a guy with that lewd gleem, you zap him repeatedly. Then you have lovely wholesome ladies immediately come afterward to coddle him.

    Eventually when you have it so that he starts cringing whenever mr. universes walk by in their speedos, you have the lovely ladies up their coddling to snuggling...of course we can't have anything beyond that cuz we're good christians.

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