by badboy 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jeepthing

    We had a local need talk about using perfume and cologne because his wife was allergic to them. He said it was rude and unchristian like and inconsiderate to others who had serious health problem. It was making her so sick that she was afraid to come to meetings. Since then everyone was afraid to use perfume and cologne, even for going out to service.

  • gumby

    I heard 'Church of Christ' doesn't use microphones nor have electric instuments in their songs they sing because the bible doesn't mention anything about the early christians using these things........does anyone know if this is true?


  • juni

    Damn right it is Gumbeauty.

    Good night. Hafta go now.


  • gumby
    Hafta go now.


    Hey juni, you want me to mail you some of them diarrea pills I use?

    *prays for juni's bowels to the name of JEEEEEEzus!*

  • Neo

    No, JWs shouldn't use perfume. It's all Bible-based™:

    (Isaiah 3:16-23) 16 And Jehovah says: "For the reason that the daughters of Zion have become haughty and they walk with their throats stretched forth and ogling with their eyes, they go walking with tripping steps, and with their feet they make a tinkling sound, 17 Jehovah also will actually make the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion scabby, and Jehovah himself will lay their very forehead bare. 18 In that day Jehovah will take away the beauty of the bangles and the headbands and the moon-shaped ornaments, 19 the eardrops and the bracelets and the veils, 20 the headdresses and the step chains and the breastbands and the ‘houses of the soul’ [NWT footnote: probably perfume receptacles] and the ornamental humming shells, 21 the finger rings and the nose rings, 22 the robes of state and the overtunics and the cloaks and the purses, 23 and the hand mirrors and the undergarments and the turbans and the large veils. 24 And it must occur that instead of balsam oil there will come to be merely a musty smell.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hiya Badboy,

    I told a friend, "I don't wear cologne."

    She thought I had said, "I don't work alone."

    Honestly, an unintended play on words!

    Punnily yours,


  • PopeOfEruke

    WTF is Prefume? Is it something you put on prior to smoking a cigar?


  • purplesofa
    WTF is Prefume?

    Don't know how many times I read the subject and didn't notice the misspelling until you pointed it out! HA


  • SirNose586

    No, JWs shouldn't use perfume. It's all Bible-based™:

    (Isaiah 3:16-23) 16 And Jehovah says: "For the reason that the daughters of Zion have become haughty and they walk with their throats stretched forth and ogling with their eyes, they go walking with tripping steps, and with their feet they make a tinkling sound, 17 Jehovah also will actually make the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion scabby, and Jehovah himself will lay their very forehead bare. 18 In that day Jehovah will take away the beauty of the bangles and the headbands and the moon-shaped ornaments, 19 the eardrops and the bracelets and the veils, 20 the headdresses and the step chains and the breastbands and the ‘houses of the soul’ [NWT footnote: probably perfume receptacles] and the ornamental humming shells, 21 the finger rings and the nose rings, 22 the robes of state and the overtunics and the cloaks and the purses, 23 and the hand mirrors and the undergarments and the turbans and the large veils. 24 And it must occur that instead of balsam oil there will come to be merely a musty smell.

    Wow, I think I found some New Light™! Better go call Brooklyn and let them know my findings...

  • gumby
    WTF is Prefume? Is it something you put on prior to smoking a cigar?

    *takes a cigar and burns a hole in Clams nutsack*

    Hey, I looked up prefume and it said "did you mean perfume"?.......but there were actually some sites that spelled it prefume. Prolly some window washin 12th grade educated dubs who started a perfume buisness and can't spell the damn word.


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