by badboy 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Should true Cristians cultivate and consume corn? After all, we all know it came from the pagan Indian cultures in the Americas who worshipped many false gods. They even had pagan rituals to assure that their corn crops would prosper. Surely, a JW would want to avoid stumbling others in this regard.

  • jaded

    One sister I knew was told by the book study conductor to go wash off her perfume because another sister at the bookstudy was bothered by perfume scents. Funny thing was, she wasn't wearing perfume. Crazy people...

  • TheBundo

    You should ask a group if they ever did that "fake fart under the arm" thing. You know, where you put one hand under you bare underarm, and "crank" the other arm to make fart sounds. They will say yes, or they've seen it. Then say that you can do it through your shirt (or coat, if you're wearing one). Then go through the motions through your shirt, but let a real loud fart at the same time. Preferably do this from the stage at the Hall

  • Leolaia

    What do you think myrrh and frankincense were used for?

  • Abandoned

    This isn't a Society brand is it?

    Well, the label has both the word "witness" and "toilet" so it must be from the wtbs.

  • TheHypnoToad

    "Then say that you can do it through your shirt (or coat, if you're wearing one). Then go through the motions through your shirt, but let a real loud fart at the same time." That was so funny, believe it or not I have never heard that one. BUT I will be trying it at work.

  • juni

    Leave it to the guys about instructing us on the "fart sound".

    they used lemons as a contraceptive

    Are you for real??


  • gumby
    I heard a pagan invented toilet paper.

    .....which is WHY I use the latest issues of the Watchtower and AWAKE! to wipe me arse. Gumcleanbutt

  • juni

    And a spray of eau de Witness.....

    Gumby with the sweet smelling arse!


  • SirNose586

    Pagans invented the alphabet. Therefore a True Christian TM would wisely avoid writing, and use sign language only.

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