Calling all elders and former elders (need advice)

by nonamegiven 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dannyboy

    Wasonce has it right, you've got to focus on the reinstatement and "dance the dance", as per the suggestions. I agree too, about the coments about "status", it makes all the difference in how you're viewed/not viewed.

    Best wishes on getting this behind you and doin' the fade.


  • Frank75
    Do I claim depression (I do have depression and they know that)

    Most dubs do. My wife suffered for 15 years with severe depression right up until we left. Now it is completely gone. Yours will go too. Think it through, what really will you be gaining, association with people who can only love you conditionally? Even your wife. Conditional love is not love at all.

    The family is a tough one because it is a natural bond, but that too you can get over. Again my wife's depression left when we did, but it is hard to say exactly why. Was it leaving the religion or was it getting away from the family? Hard to say as it could be both. However we don't miss either really that much. (It's not our decision)

    If you do not make a clean break, I will lay odds with you that the depression sticks. Stay and fade, keep quiet or start smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. The health risk is the same....or maybe less with smokes!

    I don't believe 90+% of what I've learned in the last 30 some-odd years

    Give it time. You will soon be at 100% if you keep researching and keep an open mind.

    Good luck whatever you do!


    We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light - Plato

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