I am now a R.V! Help me with questions to ask please

by awol 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    Ask them if Jesus is the mediator for everybody. When they say yes, ask them to explain what's in the 1978 Watchtowers on the subject (I think its May and October). I believe the same info was repeated in about 1989, but I was out by then. It should give them something to ponder, as the two WT articles say that Jesus is mediator only for the 144,000.

    Last time I asked I didn't pull out my WTs but the guy insisted I was wrong. I don't know if he looked it up when he got home.

  • new boy
    new boy

    Ask them just one thing.

    Is it true? That YOUR god Jehovah......... plans to Kill the vast majority of people on the planet SOON?

    And only the "good" people............and that will be...... mostly Jehovah's Witness will be the only ones left?

    And If that sounds like a group of people you would like to join................Have fun!

  • awol

    They did tell me that the meek will inherit the earth.... I did say then I am okay aren't I? They said only the ones seeking out the truth blah blah... I said, I'm still ok as I am doing that! they kind of looked, well blank! haha.

    It's true... it is not everyone on the earth who are murderers and child molesters etc etc.... there are some quite beautiful people on the earth! You see that when you leave..... NOT before. You may say, "oh isn't so and so a lovely person, isn't it a shame she isn't in the truth!" Like, she has NO right to "inherit the earth" more than them!

    I will be listening to them but also I will ask them why they feel it necessary to go into an organisation to follow jesus. I will be saying that I think it is up to us to find our own way and do our own research if we need to find the meaning of life. My partner is completely oposite to me. He neither wants to know or needs to know where we came from, why, and where we will end up. I didn't use to understand why he wouldn't want to "get deep" but it works for him and he is a very happy placid man..... I kind of envy him there! Oh well he keeps me from "thinking" too much!!!! I am much calmer for that!

  • ellderwho


    Check out Wilbur Lingles' book "Approaching Jehovahs Witnesses in love" It gives real problem situations for the Jw they never saw coming. Its a real easy read with little research.

    Keep asking question about there beliefs, and deflect, or avoid questions concerning what you believe. Thats a trap they love to set.

    Remember, there the ones selling the product.

    PS. welcome to the board


  • awol

    yes I agree.... you get great selling techniques at the kh!! I often thought that. That's a good thought. I will be asking them about their studies into other religions before they settled on the witnesses... as they did tell me they study ALL religions. I have just recieved one of the two books as recommended this am! quick delivery! so I have some reading to do already.... I wont get much work done at this rate!! lol

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