ACK!! Son Wants to Rejoin the Army!!

by Tina 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Patriot

    Hey Tina, how are you?

    I know we're supposed to make you feel better but I feel the same way your son does. I can still go in but I'm right on the age limit there. Of course they'll subtract the number of years I served so I can re-join with no problem.

    IF you wan't you can tell your son that if he re-enlist they have to guarantee a Ranger contract if thats what he wants. See Today's Army is not what it used to be. If for some reason he doesn't get a slot in ranger school and they guaranteed it in his contract, then the contract is null and void and he'll be back within a few weeks. Then again Ranger contracts is for a minimum of 4yrs. Does he really want to go for another 4? I'd go maybe 2 but 4..that's alright, I'll leave it to the young bucks!

    Of course they won't go through all that if they can't get him a slot. Sooo, if thats what he wants..he'll have no problem getting it.

    Sgt. Maverick/Patriot U.S. Army Ex 101st "Screaming Eagles" echo company and 10th Mountain division "mountaineer" aplha co.


  • Tina

    (((((((essie))))))))))))your love and words are much appreciated lil sis! :>

    Ok Andi and Dana lol,
    Now settle down girls.
    Here is your time out assignment.
    You must both take turns to read the Velveteen Rabbit to your lil brother Freddy your baby brother see what the tattered skin horse understands when he tells the shy rabbit,'Real love isn't how you are made,it's something that happens to you,and you become the message is about unconditional love,selfless giving,love and loss,new beginnings....MamaTina :>

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • Tina

    Hi patriot!
    Im feelin fluish,but Ok....
    Thanks Sarge! I'll tell him what you said. Ranger was always his goal,but I will tell him it's a 4 yr committment.....thanks for your thoughts! hugs and salutes to you! luv,T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • jonjonsimons

    Tina darling,
    Take a deep breath and release. See feels at least a little better doesn't it? From what you've told me about him, your son has a great head on his shoulders so just stand back and try your best to support him, which I know you will do because you're a fantastic mother and that's what fantastic mothers do. Take it from me I know a fabulous Mutha I mean Mother when I see one. Sending thoughts of friendship and love your way.


    BTW Andi and Dana. Neener neener neener, you got in trouble!! See I told you Mom likes me best!!!! lol

  • Tina


    Of course you're right(takes deep cleansing breath)
    Now jon darling,leave your sisters alone lol,you little goose lol. Now off to bed and rest young man!! Or you'll have to read to lil Freddy too! lol Dr Tina Suess even! 'The Golden years of Dr Suess.'(lessons in aging) :>

    I cannot see
    I cannot pee
    I cannot chew
    I cannot screw
    Oh my god
    What can I do?
    My memory shrinks
    My learning stinks
    No sense of smell
    I look like hell
    My mood is bad
    Can you tell?
    luv ya,T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • AGuest

    Hey, TinaGirl... peace to you!

    And I mean that in a 'mommy' kinda way, as well as any other. Give your son a {{{{{ hug }}}}}, and tell him we love him. There is no 'law' against military service, and thus each man... has to make his own decision in matters like these.

    Your sister, friend... and a slave of Christ,


  • Moridin

    I just joined the Army and will be leaving for boot camp in January. I still have yet to tell my mother, who is still an active JW. I think I fear that more than boot camp. She worries about everything and most of all my "annialation at armageddon". She's going to freak. I didn't join because of recent events, but rather because I have a family of my own. I'm 24 and have a wife and 4 year old daughter, because of being a JW I couldn't go to college. Now I will never be able to get into college without a form of the armed services. The way I see it, the Army is a doorway for lots of opportunities. You mother's out there what should I do, tell her now or when I get a definite date for being shipped out?

  • outnfree

    Ack! Ack! Ack! is right, Tina!
    As the daughter of a Marine sargent and the mother of a 13 year old boy, I am torn between patriotic admiration for your son and the terrifying what ifs...?
    So I have to come down on the side of the majority here and say:
    give him some thanks and some hugs from us!
    And do your best not to be crazy-making!

    I would tell your mother only a couple of days before you ship out. I thought at first that you should tell her just before leaving, but then my Motherhood genes kicked in. I realized that whether or not she agrees with your decision, she loves you and will likely want an opportunity to see and hug you before you go.


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

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