JWs putting literature in electric bills!

by Dogpatch 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    This was a riot! Can you imagine if they did that in the US?



    Headline: Telasi accused of promoting proselytizing efforts of Jehovah's WitnessesAccording to the newspaper Sakartvelos Respublika, Jehovah's Witness' literature was found inside customers' electric bills from Telasi left at customers' doors.
    Over the last two days several customers in the Tbilisi district of Saburtalo have been complaining to the company. Telasi categorically denies its involvement in delivering the brochures.
    According to them, Jehovah's Witnesses are putting the literature in the electricity bills after they are distributed to customers' doors.
    Telasi expresses its alarm about this and calls on The Jehovah's Witnesses to refrain from putting their literature in the electric bills.

  • nelly136

    theyve probably got a little undercover zealot working on their bill handling section slipping them in at source.

  • Scully

    You would think that tampering with the mail would be a felony.... but then again, we are talking about the former Soviet Union republic of Georgia.

    What's good for the KGB is good for JWs, I guess.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    What an awful thought!

    Bills are bad enough news anyway, without having crap like that in the envelope as well.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Theocratic warfare makes it okay to tamper with the mail I suppose.

  • xjwms

    I have been promoting my new business with cards with information on them.

    Putting them in all my bill payments ... been doing it for years.


  • south african beef
    south african beef

    Perhaps the Witto's wanted to put a 'spark' back into the preaching work.

    Maybe the publisher did not have enough 'energy'.

  • parakeet

    Some JWs probably thought it would be funny to put a tract with lightning bolts on the cover inside electric bills.

  • blondie

    I can imagine JWs have put tracts in the mailboxes alongside the bills.

    I can imagine that some overeager, not too smart JW working in the billing area might have felt that inserting a tract would be a good idea.

    I'm sure they can trace it back to the electric company's billing area and match fingerprints with the employees, starting with any JWs they know that work there.

    I would think that other businesses pay for the privilege of inserting their advertising material into bills.


  • FreeChick

    Yep, someone probably didn't want to go door-to-door and still had their 50 tracks to place. Probably counted service time for stuffing envelopes, too.


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