"These also I must bring..."—John 10:16

by AuldSoul 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mary
    And I have other sheep, that are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will heed my voice. So there shall be one flock.

    Jesus came originally to preach to "the house of Israel". Most didn't listen so the invitation was opened to the Gentiles. Hence, this scripture means:

    And I have other sheep (the Gentiles) that are not of this fold (house of Israel); I must bring them also. (the converted Gentiles would have the same hope as those from the house of Israel).

    The End.

  • AuldSoul

    Thanks for clarifying that Gumbastahd...now I shall repent of my iniquitous ways and find the straightest path back to the ONLY source of accurate Scriptural insights...the Kingdom Hall.

    'Cause if memory serves correctly, right there in 1 Corinthians 2 it says that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses searches into all thing even the deep things of God. And it also says that the regular attendee at the Kingdom Hall is a spiritual man able to see things from both the physical and spiritual perspectives. I think it also mentioned how we would not teach whatever we wanted to teach but only the things given us by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.

    Yep, if 1 Corinthians 2 is to be believed, accurate spiritual insights can only come from Jehovah's Witnesses. Once again, thank you for keeping me from putting my foot on slippery ground. I was very nearly lost.

    (good to have you posting again, dinGumberries)


  • AuldSoul

    Thanks, Mary. That was very succinct. I doubt you could use such a direct approach with a JW, though. Seriously, most of the JWs I have brought this point up with had to have it explained to them how I know Jesus was not talking to anointed Christians when he said "this fold".

    There are two reasons, one less blatant than the other. (1) The context shows he was talking to the Pharisees. (2) (the more blatant one) He was speaking to the disciples before Penetcost 33 CE.

    I had to explain to one lady what difference that made.

    I know JWs used to be known for their studiousness, but these days you just about have to teach them their doctrines before you can explain why their doctrines aren't Scriptural.


  • gumby

    Mary, your summation was exactly what the organisation used to believe for many years.....that being the "other sheep" were gentiles who were excepted into the heavenly kingdom, but I don't recall the year they had their New Light on this.

    'Cause if memory serves correctly, right there in 1 Corinthians 2 it says that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses searches into all thing even the deep things of God

    At last nights meeting, a speaker on the Service Meeting was discussing "tract #37 concerning False Religions End being soon.......and he actually said" the GB has "insight" as to events shortly to happen to religion".

    I guess the rank and file can't see the deep things of god no matter how hard they try.


  • Mary
    Gumby said: At last nights meeting, a speaker on the Service Meeting was discussing "tract #37 concerning False Religions End being soon.......and he actually said" the GB has "insight" as to events shortly to happen to religion".

    Ya. Is the the same "insight" that they've been having for the past 130 years? My aunt told Delilah the same thing. She specifically said that "..we've been told that this tract is going to usher in the Great Tribulation". Like I said before, the GB are pulling the same shit they've pulled before: getting the R&F's hopes up, making them think the Big A is right around the corner. Only this time, it's all being done by word of mouth. Nothing's in writing. That way, when nothing happens in the next year or so and the natives start getting restless, they can once again say "..We never said that. YOU read too much into it..."

    Thanks, Mary. That was very succinct. I doubt you could use such a direct approach with a JW, though. Seriously, most of the JWs I have brought this point up with had to have it explained to them how I know Jesus was not talking to anointed Christians when he said "this fold". There are two reasons, one less blatant than the other. (1) The context shows he was talking to the Pharisees. (2) ( the more blatant one ) He was speaking to the disciples before Penetcost 33 CE.

    It makes absolutely no difference who Jesus was talking to, it's who was he talking about. Obviously, Jesus was not referring to the Pharisees as either the "sheep" or the "other sheep", he was talking about his followers. Even the Witnesses teach that Jesus originally came strictly to witness to "the lost sheep of Israel" and that is who he is referring to. Since the majority of Jews did not accept him as the Messiah, then the door was opened to the Gentiles. The Witnesses teach that as well. Therefore, it is only common sense that Jesus is saying that the believing Jews and believing Gentiles would become "one flock" under him, which of course they did. There is absolutely nothing to indicate that there would be two different hopes for Jesus' followers that depended on what year they were born. That's simply a ridiculous invention by Judge Booze Rutherflawed, probably during one of his visions during Prohibition when he consumed too much bathtub gin.

    'Cause if memory serves correctly, right there in 1 Corinthians 2 it says that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses searches into all thing even the deep things of God

    They don't search squat. All of their decisions and "insights" boil down to: "Can we get away with saying this?" and "Can we get a 2/3rds majority vote on this?"

  • Mary

    ( the more blatant one ) He was speaking to the disciples before Penetcost 33 CE.

    Sorry. I somehow missed this point. Are the Witnesses saying that because these words were spoken before Pentacost 33 CE, that it means he wasn't referring to the Gentiles?

  • gumby

    There is absolutely nothing to indicate that there would be two different hopes for Jesus' followers that depended on what year they were born. That's simply a ridiculous invention by Judge Booze Rutherflawed, probably during one of his visions during Prohibition when he consumed too much bathtub gin.

    My brothers and sisters......"BEWARE OF THE VOICE OF STRANGERS"

    Mary has no appreciation for Jehovah's theocratic organisation whatsoever cuz she's of the evil slave class and beats her fellow brothers and sisters.

    It says very plainly somewhere in the book of Matthew in which jesus says" some of you will live on the earth forever and some of you will live with me in heaven", I just can't recall the verse.

    Praise Jah you people!


  • Mary
    It says very plainly somewhere in the book of Matthew in which jesus says" some of you will live on the earth forever and some of you will live with me in heaven", I just can't recall the verse.

    I stand correct Gumgod. I believe it's in Matthew 24:14b that says "And this good news of the Kingdom that 6 billion people shall be slaughtered for not turning in a field service report for a time, times and half a time, will be preached to all the inhabitants of the earth. Look out that no one deceives you: some of you who were dunked after 1935 will live on the earth forever and some of you who were dunked before 1935 will live with me in heaven. So Let It Be Written. So Let It Be Done."

    Seriously though, if you were a Witness and someone explained it to you like I mentioned earlier, how would they respond?

  • gumby

    I stand correct Gumgod. I believe it's in Matthew 24:14b that says "And this good news of the Kingdom that 6 billion people shall be slaughtered for not turning in a field service report for a time

    I told all of ya she was an apostate!

    You forgot to deduct 6 million from your figures little missy. Silly apostates.

    Gumissionarystyle.......I mean missionary

  • AuldSoul
    (the more blatant one) He was speaking to the disciples before Penetcost 33 CE.

    Mary, it is even worse than that...I had to explain that this was a proof that he wasn't saying "this fold" referred only to anointed Christians—he couldn't have been saying "this fold" referred to anointed Christians because there weren't any yet.

    The pity is that so many JWs don't understand the Bible well enough even to know which events came when in the stream of time. And the ones who do are so thoroughly indoctrinated they can't let themselves see, even when it is staring them right in the face.

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