Who else would never accept to go to a Judicial Committee?

by JH 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • NanaR

    Those people held power over my life for close to 50 years.

    They have none now, as I refuse to give them any. My parents are both dead, and my only sister already treats me and my whole family like crap. My husband knows where I stand and it worries him but he hasn't returned to meetings either (and hid and made me answer the door when someone came by with the new tract.)

    However, they have never made any attempt to bring me in. I am not d'fed, I have not written a letter of disassociation. Don't know why, as I am an elected officer in a labor union and in a patriotic organization. My daughter took blood on my urging (it saved her life). Lots of people know me in those contexts. But the elders haven't called me in. Strange.

    If they did -- Hell no, I wouldn't go!

    I have nothing to say to them.


  • Borgia

    Nah, I wouldn´t go. Wast of time and energy. I consider anything else to be a more compelling argument than they are or their office seems to be......



  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I refused. Three years ago I vowed to never set foot in a KH again, and I haven't.

    I was invited by registered letter to a 'special lynching' in my name. I declined and DA'd, just so I could at least let the reasons be known to a few elders, and others.


  • minimus

    The truth is, they can df you without real "witnesses" if they want. Quite often, unless there's an appeal, the Society will rubberstamp the elder's decision. That's been recounted here numerous times. People aren't even aware they got announced and never even knew there was a JC meeting!

  • dobbie

    They can also say you've disassociated yourself by your actions as well, apparently they say i did this by cancelling my magazines but since its been two months and no announcement yet i decided to save them the bother!

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    In the past, I would have said No, I would not go. But knowing what I know now and after realizing that they're just a bunch of power hungry humans with no real authority in life....Yes, I would go....even if to just go in, laugh in their face, and walk back out.

    ~luv, jojo

  • mama1119

    I did go to 2 JC. I wish I would have known better at the time. I know for sure my Mom and Dad would not allow themselves to be brought in, or allow the elders in their house. My Dad says no way. Now that they know the truth about the lie, they have no accountability to them to meet, it would serve no purpose.

  • mzliz

    well jsut look at my thread on restraining orders, hell no.

  • Ingenuous
    To accept an "invitation" to a JC is to acknowledge they have power over you and that you feel some obligation towards them.

    My sentiments exactly.

    I would not go.

    I never trusted them with my life or my spirituality when I was in the Org.

    I owe them nothing.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I have set through judicial committees with my children and was appalled by the personal questions asked and the disgust shown. Only one elder was really kind and he left the organization years ago.

    Now that I know the real truth about the organization and how it is directed by the mere whims of men, I would never give them any power over me. I would not even agree to talk with two of them at one time. I wouldn't want them to have "two witnesses" against me.

    You can use their own crazy rules against them. If I need to talk to someone, I will confess how I feel to God. He is my judge-not men.

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