Please Send Any Positive Thoughts My Way on Wednesday!

by XJW4EVR 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • done4good

    Here come the thoughts...., (hey it's dinner time and I'm getting hungry).


  • JWdaughter

    My daughter wants to go to a college with a great band too! She is in her school's marching band (trumpet/Clarinet/French Horn) and just loves loves loves it!!! 15 yo.

    I will be sending positive thoughts your way, and my best wishes for both of you.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    I am sending positive thoughts right now they should make it to California by Wednesday.

  • becca1

    Knock'em dead at the interview! Best of luck!

  • FreeChick

    Good luck with the job interview. My fingers are crossed.



    Thank you all for the well wishes. I had a an incredible stroke of luck last night. One of my class mates is taking a class with me, who works at USC. I was asking about the position that was open, and she works in that department! She does not do the hiring, but works under the department manager, and she asked me to send her my resume. WOW! This is going to be good. I am praying for this, for so many reasons, but first and foremost is my son. I want him to be a part of USC family. One thing you have to understand, is that once you are a Trojan, you are a Trojan for life. It would open so many doors for him, and he would not have to go through so much of the crap I have had to go through. I'm tearing up just writing about this.

    My daughter on the other hand, well I think she's from another family, lol. She hates USC, and wants to go to UCLA. I don't care. I just want them both to do well, and this job would be a step for them in a great direction.

    Thank you again for your best wishes, prayers, and positive thoughts. They really mean a lot to me.


  • bikerchic
    but I have mitigating factors, my son who is a junior this year, can get in and I won't have to pay a dime towards his tuition. His dream is to go to USC and to play for the USC Marching Band.

    That is mega bucks!

    As a Mom of a musician I know how important this is and I'll be sending you positive vibes on Wednesday!

    btw what time is your interview?

    One thing you have to understand, is that once you are a Trojan, you are a Trojan for life.

    My daughter on the other hand, well I think she's from another family, lol. She hates USC, and wants to go to UCLA. I don't care. I just want them both to do well, and this job would be a step for them in a great direction.

    LOL have they always been rivals? Kids are like that my oldest two are still not on each others "best person's" list and it started the day I brought my second one home from the hospital.........and no it wasn't the older one who started it! LOL

  • lawrence

    Positive vibes your way!


    My interview is at 3pm Pacific Time.

    No, they haven't always been rivals, but I think this is my daughter's way of establishing her own identity, and that is great. My son is a total Yankees fan, and I am a Dodger fan, so that's him establishing his own identity. I am all for that. They are great kids!

  • unbeliever

    Good luck and I am sending positive thoughts your way.

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