Did You Think Elders Should've Been Able To Be "Elders For Life"?

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Min, my grandfather was "charismatic" but both men and women were drawn to him. He was not a flirt…he was just a people person.

    As to the elders that "flirt," one had a "hands on" approach with the pretty sisters. It ended when day when a new sister, turned and elbowed him in the chest and broke one of his ribs.


  • FlyingHighNow

    I felt safe around brothers. They were not men I thought of as threatening in a romantic or sexual way. All of them had treated me with respect until I met that elder. From then on I had to guard myself and even my own thoughts. It's not that I didn't believe that there were brothers somewhere with "eyes full of adultery", but I had not run into any of them. I thought the vast majority of them to be sincere about being brothers to us sisters.

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    None of the elders that I knew were stupid in the sense of being as thick as the proverbial "Two Short Planks." In fact, most would have been of slightly higher than average intelligence. All - it almost goes without saying - suffered from a lack of education. However, given the WTS downer on education, that is hardly surprising. One elder I knew had an IQ level shared by only 5% of the population. How he managed to let himself be sucked in by the WTS is evidently another matter! Jack.

  • Fangorn

    "I think if the judicial committee meetings were open to the congregation it might solve some of the problems. I wonder how Bible Student groups today handle serious wrongdoing and doers in their congregations? Blondie" That's a really great idea, in fact I think all Elders meetings of any kind should be open to the congregation if they want to attend. It would make a completely different organization in short order. I believe that in Israel they conducted their business at the city gate just for that reason.

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