Repulsed by the thought

by serendipity 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • confusedjw

    I tossed my blood card. Dying is repulsive also. Give it time and those old superstitions will pass.

  • parakeet

    "Have any of you felt that way? Were you able to overcome the feelings? How?"

    The blood issue is what finally turned me against the JWs. The thought of allowing my infant son or anyone else I loved to die because of refusing a life-saving medical treatment was far more repugnant.

    If you still feel some attachment to the blood card, put it in a scrapbook under the heading, "When I was insane."

  • lonelysheep
    Have any of you felt that way? Were you able to overcome the feelings? How?

    Their blood belief remained a doubt of mine throughout the duration of my studying years. Even so, I felt a bit uneasy about the thought of a blood tranfusion for myself.

    I was able to overcome that by doing RESEARCH ON BLOOD. It's quite fascinating to what extent the human body is capable of working to keep you alive.

  • Abandoned

    Yesterday, I was cleaning out the dark recesses of my purse and found THE blood card. I was going to throw it away but stopped. After doing some research on blood in the Bible, I no longer believe in the JW blood doctrine. However, the thought of taking a blood transfusion triggers a visceral reaction, repulsing me.

    Have any of you felt that way? Were you able to overcome the feelings? How?

    I still have reactions like this to some of the crap they sold me. That's how brainwashing works. If it were something you could detect while under their control, they wouldn't have the same power. I know they can be overcome, though, because I'm witnessing my progress and I'm no longer controled by the guilt and sense of worthlessness which kept me subjugated for so long.

  • garybuss

    Jehovah's Witnesses have a martyr complex. They have the delusion that people who are right suffer, so they rationalize that if they suffer that MUST mean they are "right". History shows that the Witnesses look for opportunities to suffer and when those opportunities are found the opportunities are maximized to the detriment of their own members.

    The Witness people are willing to antagonize might be opponents like the Nazis and then deliver their statements of pacifism. Then 60 years later, Witness headquarters uses the pain and suffering of their members as an advertising gimmick.

    The Witnesses harassed the Catholic people, and others as well, with sound cars parked in front of churches and on hilltops over sleepy towns blasting Rutherford phonograph records. Then they screamed foul when they got the consequences from their behaviors. Ever wonder why there were ready cameras with flashbulbs installed at those riots?

    The German Witness people harassed the Nazis and then when the Witness people were thrown in prison, the United Stated branch launched an anti-Nazi media campaign. Of course the material from that campaign made it's way back to the SS in Germany and Poland and matters were made worse for the Witnesses in the camps.

    It's interesting that the non-pacifist allied general who rolled his tank division into Berlin and freed those Witness martyrs was raised in a Witness family and rejected Witnessism. I don't find that in Witness martyr advertising.

    Witnesses have always been willing to sacrifice the safety, happiness, and best interests of their children for the cause, and then happily shun and snub those children as adults when the adult children start to behave rationally and objectively.

    I think the Witness owners want to stir up some activity against them with their latest tract issue and if they do, you can bet the group leaders will be safe and warm in their walnut panelled offices with leather chairs just like Knorr sat in his heated office in New York City, and Rutherford sat in his San Diego mansion when the Witnesses were standing on the train platforms handing out the "Declaration" in Magdeburg. Why didn't Rutherford, Franz, and Knorr go to Germany and martyr themselves with the German Witnesses?

    Nothing was accomplished by all the suffering except headquarters gaining advertising material. Virtually all of the teachings the Witnesses suffered and died for in the 1930's and 1940's were changed by their own organization and all the books they revered are out of print by their own organization. Even their Bible is out of print.

    I think the Witnesses are fools for putting their people at risk for no reason like they did in Europe, I think they were fools to make the child flag salute policy their promotion gimmick of the 40's, and I think they're fools for developing and promoting the current blood medical treatment policy. Those were all to the detriment of the women, the old people, and the children.

    None of this is or was done by accident. The Witness leaders are willfully malevolent. If you're a Witness, look out, you're set up.

  • moshe

    Right on Gary! After I got out of the JW's I was able to see the "kick me" sign on the ass of the Witnesses for the first time. Never could see it myself when I was in.

  • MsMcDucket

    When my husband went to the hospital in January, we found out that they still had him down as a Jehovah's Witness (He was an approved associate, never baptised.). I was shocked to find that out. I told them to take that out of there immediately! Anyway, you know the story, he had a G.I. bleed and requires several pints of blood. If it wasn't for the blood transfusion, he would of bled to death.

    As a nurse, I never had a problem with starting blood transfusions. It was the person's choice.

  • buriram

    not having read all these posts , but the first thing I threw into the trash when I left the WtS was that ruddy piece of ...... the blood card .

    Forever gone ..... Thank God

  • serendipity

    Thanks for all the comments.

  • Anony-Mouse

    I got angry once I told mom that I hated it all. She had given me my blood card a year or so before then for some reason. Well, I found it, tore it up, and set it out for her in a fit of rage (was very mad ^^).

    Well, she saw it, came to me on the verge of crying.

    She told me it was a legal document. She had signed it for me, or something. Anyways, legal sumsuch.

    Made me feel terrible to see her like that though...:( .

    If I ever get into that situation, am I able to veto her decision? I'm sure she'd let me die, as terrible as that is to say. Dad is worth more than I am, and if I die, god will be that much more willing to let her live forever, and for him to be resurected.

    The way I see it, even if I can't 'get past' the blood card, the doctor would work with me. I hope I'm concious if that happens...

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