Kingdom News #37 update and future propaganda

by truthseeker 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • GoingGoingGone
    This elder said that many inactive ones had been reactivated by the tract, some were even sharing in distributing it.

    I received a 'personal invitation' to go in service. The elder said that it's just the tract we're distributing, we could get a nice car group together, go for donuts.... seriously, that's what he said!! And given the territory here, I doubt if an entire car group of 6 or 7 dubs distributes more than 10-15 tracts on a Saturday morning before their break. And most times, the break lasts so long that everyone goes home afterwords.

    Urgent, lifesaving work indeed.......


  • moshe

    Brothers and sisters, this could be the last campaign we'll ever have."-

    I hope this is the one prophetic statement that comes true- with the collapse of the WT Society. I wonder how much unsaid resentment and disappointment is brewing among the rank and file JW? Maybe something will reach the tipping point soon for them.

  • Rabbit

    I was just sure I'd get one at my house, but, *sigh* they haven't contacted me for almost 5 years -- despite 1/2 of my family being dubs. There's all kind of elders, pioneers, former missionaries who all know my # and address. I feel so un-wanted.

    I was afraid they'd show up and ruin my fade by getting me back on their Jaydar. The only tract I saw was in Spanish at a doctor's office and I wrote a short note inside...explaining how they "...believe God will soon murder everyone on earth, even their children, unless they become Jehovah's Witnesses. I know, because I was one for 35 years."

    On the back where the was...I wrote in the sites for Silent Lambs & Free Minds and left it there.

    Balanced and Fair reporting is a good thing !


  • Abandoned
    Balanced and Fair reporting is a good thing !

    LMAO!!! Way to go!!!

  • HappyDad

    I got home this afternoon about 3:00 PM after a great morning at church and then coffee and brunch afterward with friends......and some shopping (window type). Lo and behold! When I opened my storm door......the tract fell out. It has been about 2 to 3 years since any JW has been on my street. I guess they gave up on me!

    And.............if I would have been home, I would not have answered to their knock.


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