Should I leave the WTS?

by HamiltonPeppers 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nellie

    Hamilton, welcome!

    I'm curious. How did you happen upon this site?

    Do yourself a favor - buy Ray Franz's book "Crisis of Conscience" - it's a long read, but the information is invaluable - what I most appreciated about it was his tone - it may help you get past the anger.

  • jgnat

    I'm going to enjoy watching your development, Hamilton. Mark a year on the calendar and come back to revisit this thread. Find out how you've changed in a single year. I bet you will be amazed.

    I was never a JW, but I married one. As an outsider, I noticed you did a very Witness-ish thing on this thread. You asked others what you should do. The best advice is to be true to your heart, as Lady Lee described. No-one has the right to decide what is best for you. It's your life, treat it with care. Don't ever give it over to others again.

  • Amazing

    Hi yesidid,

    Afetr quoting my comment, "I highly recommend leaving the Watchtower immediately, without question, doubt, or fear!" you made the following comment:

    "That is quite different to what you yourself did. Your experience of slowly removing yourself and your family from the organization is still on Randy's site. Do you not recommend that now,. .(new light perhaps)?"

    No new light. I was being brief, and speaking to Hamilton's state of mind. When I reached the point where Hamilton is now, realizing that the Watchtower is not the "truth" I made an immediate decision with respect to myself. I never doubted or feared or looked back. I immediately laid out a plan to work with my family to get them out. Once they were free, they ran past me. My story relates my "error" of trying to get out on my own terms by fading, keeping certain JW friends, and keeping my dignity intact. That part was unrealistic, and utterly failed. Once I succeeded in getting my family out, and a couple of friends at the same time, I should have simply closed the door, and not tried to fade and keep any more friends. My entire exit story shows how my attempts to do things that way was both humorous and sad because I kept enduring pain that I did not need. I still recommend people read my exit experience so that they will see what ideas may help if they have family to consider, but also what things they should avoid ... I have stated this from the very beginning in my opening introduction.

    I hope that clarification helps.

    For Hamilton's benefit, here is the link to my exit story. Click here:

    Here is my opening statement:

    Foreword: The following account is the story of my exit from the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is provided in the interest of those who face the dilemma of wanting to leave the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses, yet wonder what it was like for others who have left ahead of them. What are some of the successes and failures that can be shared so as to help those now leaving to understand how to make better decisions for themselves and their families. My experiences are not intended to fit all situations. My errors are likely more helpful and humorous, so that others can see what ‘not’ to do.

    Jim Whitney

  • bigmouth

    " While reading all of these coverups, I felt like my wife just cheated on me with my brother. ."

    This is how I put it to two visiting elders last year:
    ' I felt like my wife has been having an affair with my sworn enemy for over ten years and I never knew until a newspaper published it for all to see. And then she tells me it meant nothing to her and she did it for our benefit"

  • becca1

    Welcome! Yes, it feels like a slap in face doesn't it? It will get better in time, but you must do your own research to be fully aware. And plan your exit carefully.

    Take care...

  • BabaYaga

    WELCOME, Hamilton!

    We're so glad you're here. The TRUTH about the (T)ruth (tm) will set you free.


  • uninformed
    Re: Should I leave the WTS?

    Please don't be offended: IF YOU HAVE TO ASK, I WOULD SAY---STAY. When you are ready to leave, you won't ask.


  • zagor
    After hearing the coverups and scandals, im thinking about leaving the WTS for good. While reading all of these coverups, I felt like my wife just cheated on me with my brother. . What should I do?

    Heck, that is definitely a Jerry Springer type of story. Maybe you should contact him and have an exit from WTBS with a bang!

  • morwen
    " While reading all of these coverups, I felt like my wife just cheated on me with my brother. ."

    Welcome. This made me laugh when I read it Yep that's pretty much how alot of us feel!!!! This forum is so great and I have loved reading and posting here(with what little time I have to post).It's been a GREAT help! Hope it helps you too.

    I agree with what others have said about reading the book "Crisis of Conscience" It's a good book(long but good). It was the last "whack of the axe" to free me from the WTS(and without any guilt,hesitation or looking back).

    You "should" do whatever you feel is best for your circumstances. For us--we just completely stopped going. I think we were past being ready to leave but lacked the info to do so. And once we saw the facts,that was it.

    It helped that we had recently moved nearly 3,000 miles away and hardly anyone really knew us at this cong. But how my family is dealing with us no longer being active is a another crazy story,LOL.


  • rebel8

    More things to know--all things you should verify--let the wt publications speak for themselves:

    • owning military manufacturer's stock
    • profiting from tobacco investment while dfing jws who did so
    • writing a letter to Hitler expressing support and anti-Semitism (published in their own 1934 yearbook)
    • hemophilia scandal (retracting the rule against clotting factor but allowing hemophiliacs to perish because they were too embarassed to print a retraction)
    • setting aside a day of prayer for the US to win World War I
    • 1914 (yes they did say Armageddon would come in that year)
    • 1975 (yes they did say Armageddon would come in that decade)
    • 2000 (yes they did say the preaching work would conclude in that century)
    • many, many medical lies in >100 years of publications
    • many contradictions in their literature (i.e., jws are/are not prophets)
    • using a known/admitted spirit medium as a source quoted in literature

    found at my web site

    be sure to look up references given to verify for yourself

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