Does Anyone Miss The Religion They Were Brought Up In?

by choosing life 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    Go back to your old church and see how you feel. I went back to the KH to see if I had left for the right reason, and all the icky feelings remained. I have also gone back to LDS church/meetings a couple of times, and remembered why I felt at home there. We all have a different comfort zone, why not go somewhere that you remember feeling good about?

  • FlyingHighNow

    I did always miss my church. I too attended other churches. Mom was great that way, she raised us in the Episcopal Church but allowed us to go to other churches when we wished.

    I returned to my church as was confirmed this year. One of the best decisions I have ever made. Our services are high services. Andy was Catholic until he was received into the Episcopal church this past year. He says he gets the beauty and the rituals without all the Vatican baggage. Last Sunday, to celebrate All Saints Day, our music directer brought in two violinists to play some Bach. If you're ever in Grand Rapids, Michigan on a Sunday morning, come to the 10:30 AM service. Very beautiful. Very spiritual.

  • crazyblondeb

    that would be the JW's, and hell no, I don't miss it!!


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