WTS is a cult

by OnTheWayOut 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • OnTheWayOut
    In totalistic cults, the ideology is internalized as "the truth," the only “map" of reality. The doctrine not only serves to filter incoming information but also regulates how the information can be thought about. Usually, the doctrine is absolutist, dividing everything into "black versus white," "us versus them." All that is good is embodied in the leader and the group. All that is bad is on the outside. The more totalistic groups claim that their doctrine is scientifically proven. The doctrine claims to answer all questions to all prob­lems and situations. A member need not think for himself because the doctrine does the thinking for him.

    Bttt on my own thread.
    This certainly describes JW's. "The Truth" is the only reality. "Us vs. the World." "Adam and Eve, the Flood, all scientifically proven (if you ignore that other stuff that distracts from the proof)." There was a thread on here the other day that showed typical Awake articles that discussed "all problems and situations solved by the Kingdom (Wars, child-labor, unemployment, homelessness, etc.)

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Thanks for posting this OTWO. One JW that i've been trying to talk to, certainly has this 'wall' effect whenever I bring something up that deviates from WTS thinking. Its amazing to see it happen, and some what sobering to realise ones thinking ability is so comprimised. Imagine how different things would be if they didnt employ these techniques.

    CS 101

  • OnTheWayOut

    CS 101 said: It's amazing to see it happen (the wall of defense coming up)

    If information transmitted to a cult member is perceived as an attack on either the leader, the doctrine, or the group, a hostile wall goes up. Members are trained to disbelieve any criticism. Critical words have been explained away in advance as "the lies about us that Satan puts in peoples' minds" or "the lies that the World Conspiracy prints in the news media to discredit us, because they know we're onto them." Paradoxically, criticism of the group confirms that the cult's view of the world is correct. The information presented does not register properly.

    Either they defend the group and it's doctrine, or they flee the anti-cult words, or they pray using the name Jehovah out loud. The attack on the cult is proof to them that Satan is against WTS. When I read this (about cults in general, not WTS) point that the cult establishes early on that the "world" or "people outside of us" will criticize and attack you for learning about the cult, thus proving to you that the cult is right, all I could do was reflect on the "Live Forever" book study I had to indoctrinate me. All JW's continue to believe that criticism of WTS is proof that they are right.

  • 30girl


    Love your post! I took a psych course last semester and that really opened my eyes to the techniques the bOrg uses to manipulate the sheeple.

    It's bittersweet, though. I've had to re-program myself. After 30 years of being an active Witness, it's hard to kick those thoughts out of my head. Education is definitely doing the trick. I've also discovered that Witnesses don't want to hang out with those who educate themselves, it intimidates them, raises questions and doubts and that's a sheeple no-no.


  • OnTheWayOut

    30Girl, great to hear that education was your mind-freeing ticket. My faithful JW wife went against my faithful JW thinking and got an education late in life. She eventually sold me on the idea that it was necessary. Now she has a Master's degree. This has given me hope that I can un-cult her. So much of her independent thinking is anti-JW, but her core belief system with the cult is intact. I keep chipping away. Thanks for responding.

  • zagor
    WTS is a cult

    Oh OK, thanks for the revelation

  • cyberguy

    You're right, OnTheWayOut! It is a cult! Although Ray Franz didn't go as far in his books, I agree with you 100%, although not reading the book you reference!

  • zagor

    Of course they are cult that was never an issue. But they are also a publishing company, which is a weird mix of religion and trade

  • Gill

    Zagor - They're an extremely wealthy cult, run by an army of lawyers and business men!

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Terrific information Wayout! Thank you for the information. The Wanderer

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