Breaking it to my grandparents

by AirDuster 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bebu

    I'm sending you a pm, inlove.


  • becca1

    Hi: Are you baptized? If so, will your grandparents turn you in to the elders? This could leave you out in the cold in more ways then one. If you do want to go ahead and tell them how you feel, keep to one of two topics and avoid getting confentational. The UN issue might be a good one because you can get all the info you need form the UN's site and the WT publications. The blood issue could be addressed using the Nov. KM insert on fractions and showing how it does not make any sense.

    Whatever you do, consider the consequences first.

    Take care...

  • Warlock
    Sometimes dependant people living in a host situation negotiate for an acceptable living outcome. Some people use a question and research tactic as a reason to take a "break". It's a bad idea for me to fight with she who I depend on

    I think it would be good for you to listen to this wise old man, Gary Buss.


  • AirDuster

    Okay, I am NOT baptized. I have been in this organization since I was 6. Only in the last year or so have I really begun to question things about this religion, such as the blood issue, this being the only means of salvation, Jesus being Michael, 1914, 607 b.c., and some other stuff I can't rightly remember right now. I don't want to leave because it's "too hard" or because I want to go and have sex or do drugs or drink or go buck wild. I just simply don't believe its THE TRUTH, and with good reason. Should I just outright admit this to my grandparents? They are pretty rational folk. I don't think they'd kick me out. If they would, I would probably rent a house with some friends somewhere or something. Anyway, I really don't feel this is the true religion anymore, and I don't want to keep living a lie and depriving myself of the life I want and cheating my grandparents by being half-assed JW of a grandson. I don't want limbo anymore.

  • AirDuster

    So anyway, is telling them the right thing to do? I would think so. Any other advice or tips?

  • AudeSapere

    Only you can know what is truly right for you and the people who love you.

    Like the others have said, be sure to have a solid contingency plan in place and lots of outside support just incase they decide to send you away.

    For me, I would probably just fade and keep peace with the grandparents.

    I thought this was an important statement and can completely respect your view of honesty and integrity:

    I don't want to keep living a lie and depriving myself of the life I want and cheating my grandparents by being half-assed JW of a grandson

    Maybe sleep on it for at least a few more days and bring this topic to the top of the discussion page a few more times.

    I truly hope it goes smoothly for all three of you - no matter which avenue you choose.


  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Hey Air...
    +++++So anyway, is telling them the right thing to do?+++++

    If you're not 120% sure... BACK AWAY!

    Something to think about????

    [1] What result are you trying to acheive? BE HONEST!

    [2] Is there ANY other way to acheive the same result?

    Since you know your relationship and their personalities better than anyone here....

    [3] What do you really think the outcome will be?

    The hundreds of posts of this forum should be able to give you a pretty good idea of the possibilities of (unforeseen) outcomes.

    We heard what you said about how long it's been so for... what's a few more days gonna hurt?

    I've regretted MANY of the decisions that I've made over the years...
    but I have NEVER regretted the time I took to REALLY think something over first!

    Please remember that we're here for you, no matter what you decide.

  • Warlock
    Okay, I am NOT baptized.

    Well, knowing whatever you want.


  • Gill

    Airduster - From my experience, the minute someone expresses doubt about the bOrg to a JW, in anyway they are never looked at in the same way again. JWs begin to only look for fault, even minute faults, in everything you say and do. Afterall, you have begun to question their fanatasy existence and this threatens their very self. They become protective of 'Mother' and pretty soon, just don't like YOU anymore.

    There is masses of information that proves the WTBTS to be BS!

    Do you want to bring it up with your grandparents, or would it be better to decided to start making arrangements for your future, further education, good job, somewhere to live etc.

    Remember, as reasonable as your grandparents may be and may seem, if they're real dyed in the wool JWs, they will not tolerate any questioning or doubting of their 'Mother Org'.

    It may well be a discussion that you regret having with them.

    How old are you?

  • I.Wonder

    Hi AirDuster!

    Gill said: "From my experience, the minute someone expresses doubt about the bOrg to a JW, in anyway they are never looked at in the same way again."

    This has also been my experience. I expressed my doubts to my mother in-law and my hubbie. Now they go out of their way to tell me how JW's have "the truth" and "there is no where else to go", blah, blah, blah.

    My husband and I get on just fine.... as long as I don't talk about my doubts. The second I do that he gets severely defensive and it is hell in my house for 3-days at least. He is always suspicious of me now. Just expressing my doubts has changed my relationships with these people. They do not treat me like they used.

    My thoughts are with you!


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