50 Years Ago in the Watchtower

by Thirdson 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Stephanus,

    great quote! Thanks for digging that one out.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

  • Thirdson


    Now that is a great quote and very good insight.

    What I found interesting is that when I cut n' pasted the Watchtower article to Word the word "worldling" immediately showed up with a red underline. I wonder where they got the word from or is it another WTS created word. ("Worldling" is listed in the Scrabble dictionary so I guess it's legitimate.) I suppose the idea is derived from "earthling". "Earthling man" seems to be a WTS/NWT expression as well when other Bibles simply say "man".

    In all of this, the WTS use of words varies from everyday speach. Afterall, to be "worldly" or a "man of the world" means different things to JWs and, dare I say, worldly people.

    Thirdson -- (Quite worldly and almost apostate, my new JW label)

    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • Amazing

    Hi Thirdson: Good post. Some years ago, just as I was leaving the JWs, they came out with an article about how those who leave the organization, even after 10, 20 or more years likely were never really JWs or lovers of Jehovah in the first place. Judging ex-JWs as never really acting out of love. They also had a similar article about how the world does not really do things out of 'genuine Christian' love. Same old material, but packaged in different terms. I wish I had seen through such self-righteousness, and not joined in the first place. - Amazing

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Amazing,

    thanks for your excellent comment!

    It shows the true colours of WTS editors & authors.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

  • blondie

    Actually, non-witness or non-witnesses is becoming the new politically correct term.

    There has been a silent switch from worldling to worldly people/unbelievers to non-witness(es). Note that this change is almost always in connection with relief work.

    Last use of worlding
    *** w95 7/1 22 Dwellers Together in a Restored "Land" ***
    However, according to the words of Zechariah, some Philistines had a change of heart, and this foreshadowed that some worldlings today would not remain at enmity with Jehovah.

    Using “unbeliever” not meant to be belittling. Do not call worldly spouses unbelievers. Use in politically emotional situations. Use “non-Witness” instead.
    *** g97 9/8 13 "No Part of the World"-What Does It Mean? ***
    In the Bible the term “unbeliever” is at times used to designate non-Christians. However, there is no evidence that the word “unbeliever” was used as an official designation or label. Certainly, it was not used to belittle or denigrate non-Christians, as this would be contrary to Bible principles. (Proverbs 24:9) Jehovah’s Witnesses today avoid being harsh or arrogant toward unbelievers. They consider it rude to label non-Witness relatives or neighbors with derogatory terms. They follow Bible counsel, which states: “A slave of the Lord . . . needs to be gentle toward all.”—2 Timothy 2:24.

    Use “wordly” for groups not individuals.
    *** w98 5/15 15 Christian Faith Will Be Tested ***
    An additional test came upon true Christians in 1918 when worldly authorities, goaded on by the clergy of Christendom, ‘framed mischief by law’ against Jehovah’s organization. (Psalm 94:20, KJ)

    *** w99 1/1 4 Real Help for the Family ***
    Many non-Witnesses have made similar comments about their Witness spouses.

    *** w98 1/15 5 Christianity in Action-Amid Turmoil ***
    “The brothers from Europe, however, brought money that enabled us to buy food, which was scarce and very expensive. The food came at an important time, since many had nothing to eat in their homes. We distributed the food both to Witnesses and non-Witnesses. If the help had not come when it did, many more would have died, especially children. Jehovah saved his people. Non-Witnesses were very impressed. Many commented on our unity and love. Some acknowledged that ours is the true religion.”

    *** w98 1/15 6 Christianity in Action-Amid Turmoil ***
    Aid to Non-Witnesses
    This humanitarian aid
    was not given exclusively to Jehovah’s Witnesses. Others also benefited, just as many did in 1994. This is in harmony with Galatians 6:10, which states: “Really, then, as long as we have time favorable for it, let us work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith.”

    *** w98 7/1 31 A Samaritan Proves to Be a Good Neighbor ***
    Jehovah’s Witnesses strive to follow this Scriptural admonition. For example, when natural disasters strike, they extend humanitarian aid to fellow believers as well as to non-Witnesses.

    *** w98 12/1 13 Hated for Their Faith ***
    Like the early Christians, Jehovah’s Witnesses in modern times have been “objects of hatred” in various lands. Yet they do not hate non-Witnesses; nor have they ever been a seedbed of insurrection against governments.

    *** w98 12/1 15 Defending Our Faith ***
    From their self-righteous perch, these fanatic men looked down on the Gentiles. We do not take such a narrow view, treating non-Witnesses with disdain.

    A balanced, Scriptural view should affect the way we speak about non-Witnesses.

    *** w95 8/1 18 Taught by Jehovah Down Till This Day ***
    Another longtime feature of the teaching program is the Public Meeting. As its name indicates, this meeting was established particularly to acquaint non-Witnesses with basic Bible teachings. Thus, the one giving the talk needs to present the information so that it is understandable to those hearing the message for the first time. This means explaining terms such as “other sheep,” “brothers,” and “remnant,” terms that non-Witnesses may not understand.

    *** w95 11/1 29 Box Meal Gives Witness ***
    Jehovah’s Witnesses shared their food with others who were in need. One Witness found himself eating his lunch while traveling by car with a non-Witness colleague working in the same company. So he shared one of the box meals he had received.
    “Where did you buy this box lunch?” his colleague asked. The brother explained the relief work of the Witnesses. “I haven’t eaten vegetables for days. I’m going to save some and take it home for my family,” the man said appreciatively.

    *** w93 7/1 15 Christians and Human Society Today ***
    If a mixed marriage breaks up, the initiative almost always comes from the non-Witness partner.

    *** w92 1/1 29 Maintaining Christian Integrity in War-Torn Liberia ***
    Food supplies were very limited. Even before the war began, merchants had stopped importing goods. Thus, very little food was left in the city. Our supply of food at the branch would have lasted our 12 family members many months, but we sometimes had up to 200 people living with us, including non-Witness neighbors who were desperately in need of help. Everyone was restricted to one small meal a day; we survived on such rations for several months. Everybody was hungry. Babies were just skin and bones, hanging limp in their parents’ arms.

  • Gopher

    Blondie: Great post, fine research! Thanks.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Stephanus

    Actually, 3rdSon, when I first saw the term "worldling" in this thread, I had a begrudging twinge of admiration for the writing committee of old which coined this word. The -ling suffix is a very old, almost, but not quite extinct, way of forming a diminutive. "Pigling", for example, is an alternative form of piglet, and the Anglo-Saxon princes were "athelings". There is always a hint of the derogatory in the use of diminutives (cf. the use of "Freddie" when addressing Fred Hall), and this comes out both in "Earthling" and "worldling". It is an extremely clever coinage of a term, and therefore my guess is that Freddie (or is that "Fredling"?) Franz is its originator.

  • dins


    Great research!! Brought back Sunday morning memories, feeling like I wanted to throw up and looking at the clock and counting the minutes unti 11:30.

    Question: JWs say they don't celebrate birthdays so as not to glorify themselves so WHY do they blow their trumpets whenever they can, voicing how wonderful and caring they are whenever they get the chance?

    Sounds a bit to me like letting the right hand know what the left hand is doing?

    Just a thought...


  • r51785

    Actually since I am no longer a denizen of Planet Watchtower, I suppose I could be a "worldling!"

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Blondie,

    thanks for the excellent research
    work, in giving us the WTS quotes - good for the
    archives -.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

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