Would you trust this guy to build an Ark?

by moshe 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Kudra

    Looks like OFG.

  • Shazard

    Hmmm you dig up ourdays peasant and then ask if he could build Space Ship?

  • unclebruce

    ooo what Shazard said:

    Hmmm you dig up ourdays peasant and then ask if he could build Space Ship?

    Hey what's with the picking on Otzi? By all accounts he was well equiped for the job at hand and took 3 arrows. Besides, if he didn't build the Ark who did?

  • Satanus


    No way could Noah and his family keep up with all the leaks,

    They only made minor contributions to it. The daily buildup of all the different kinds of animal shit combined would have taken care of it. In fact, noah probably invented concrete on the ark's floor.


  • hambeak

    Thats a good one Mary you just might be right hahaha

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    How the heck did they keep the bottom from rotting out after being in water for a year? Huh? Did Jehovah miraculously present Noah with the recipe for Thompson's Water Seal?


    That's what I want explained...

    ~luv, jojo

  • VM44

    Noah's ark would also have to contain suffient fresh water to last all its occupants for a whole year!

    That fresh water would both take up space and weigh down the ark.



    After the flood,Noah became a Used Ark Salesman..It`s in the Bible...OUTLAW

  • moshe

    Noah's ark would also have to contain suffient fresh water to last all its occupants for a whole year!

    excellent point Vm44, I will file that one away for use. That would be a lot of goatskins and gourds filled with water! I lived on a farm as a boy and know there is no way Noah and his family could shovel all the s*** from those animals or feed and water them all. The devil is in the details, when it comes to the Bible story about the Ark.

  • ballistic

    Oh, I thought you were going to show the Noah of Genesis chapter 9 who got drunk and kept exposing himself to his daughters...

    so my modern day Noah is a cross between... old drunk man...


    and this flasher...

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