A question for Atheists

by Sam87 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sam87

    Just a quick question to the Atheists on this board, i was just wondering if any of you have had any supernatural experiences? for example the same thing that we wouldve called demons as JWs? If so has this changed your views on Atheism? I know the question sort of cancels itself out, but i was just wondering what everyones view on this is.


  • Scully

    I have had premonitions that came true. I don't believe they are supernatural in the sense that you define "supernatural". I think it is just an ability or talent that I have, the same way other people have a gift or talent for creating art or music. I think there is a genetic predisposition to it, like the colour of one's eyes or the colour of one's hair. I had a grandparent who had a similar ability, and we believed it was "demonic" in origin when we were JWs, so I never talked about it when things I felt and dreamt about came true.

    A loving god would not give me the kinds of premonitions that I have had.

  • Sam87

    i see your point scully, i meant more towards how you hear of storys of 'demon attacks' have any Atheists had these in the past say when they were a JW? how do you exsplain them? just curious thats all.


  • Scully

    Well, in that respect, I will disclose that I did have a couple of experiences that JWs would call "demon attacks". They involved me being asleep - feeling like something was grabbing at me and being unable to move or speak (to call out to Jehovah for protection ).

    Then I learned about Sleep Paralysis, Nocturnal Panic and other related experiences. Problem solved.


  • Sam87

    that could be that case very well solved scully, but i meant more of an obvious 'encounter' like for example seeing something or feeling something that was obviously not one of those things, something that actually was doing something, like making things move for example. have any atheists had anything like this happen that cant be exsplained? what do you think it was? thanks


  • AlmostAtheist

    >>i was just wondering if any of you have had any supernatural experiences? for example the same thing that we wouldve called demons as JWs? If so has this changed your views on Atheism?

    When I was 15 or 16 and just coming into the "troof", I believed I had a spirit living in me. I thought it was the spirit of a dead guy. I can't recall his name. Anyway, I was told by the person that told me he was there that he liked Cadillacs. So one day the phase "prix de noche Se Ville?" came to mind. I had no idea what it meant, or even what language it was.

    I asked a French teacher at school about it. She said it was rough, but it probably means, "cost of a new Se Ville", like "What's a new Se Ville cost?" The sort of question a dead guy that was into Cadillacs might ask.

    At the time, I totally bought it. Now I don't know what the hell it was.


  • vomit

    I am 100% athiest and tend to belive firmly in reality. But the idea of primary perception entregues me. Althoug it is a wack-a-doo phlophsy I feel some things especialy like inventiveness in humans is real. I wouldnt call it demonic though.

    THese days I get a lot of flashes of light in my perfirial vision. Not due to floaties but due to migrane.

    When I was young I was in my metal work class, when all of a sudden my leg burst open with a big pool of blood. But the thing is no0body was even around me at the time. I didnt feel the cut and there was no work being done.
    I thought I was cosmic rays or something. I never found out how it happened.

  • kid-A

    "have any Atheists had these in the past say when they were a JW? how do you exsplain them?"

    No, and as for other JWs and/or non-JWs that I knew that did claim to have had such encounters with "demons" ; they usually got the psychiatric help that they needed and received treatment for their psychosis and delusions.

  • parakeet

    This question was discussed (and much popcorn consumed) in these two recent threads:


  • Dansk
    i was just wondering if any of you have had any supernatural experiences?


    If so has this changed your views on Atheism?


    I know the question sort of cancels itself out



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