Britain harbors terrorist groups

by Satanus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit


    I think the use of the word "harbouring" is not really correct. It implies a safe haven for terrorists, even that a particular government will not only tolerate them, but suuport them. Afghanistan's Taleban certainly "harbours" terrorists. The UK government certainly does not, despite what loonies like LaRouche spout.

    It's probably more accurate to say that terrorist cells operate in Britain, to raise funds and materiel for their operations that are only available in a free capitalist society.

    Some of these terrorist cells will certainly be known to British security forces. Infiltrating them is obviously the best way to gain intelligence of their future agendas. Some terrorists will of course not be detected, hence the numerous bombings in London over the past few decades. Certainly international terrorist groups use London as a base of operations, it is a huge international city and easy to get lost in. Sometimes the catch-a-monkey approach will work, sometimes it wont. In this respect Britain is the same as any other Western country, America included.


  • Satanus


    No problem, i'll tone down harboring to tolerating. I still don't quite understand the catch the monkey theme with regard to these groups.

    I'm not a larouchian. Even though they have some good info, i won't touch it because of the hate that drives the organisation. As i said, a few years ago i went to some of their meetings and even one demonstration. I saw and heard things with my own eyes and ears. Their agenda is getting into power. Period. Its true he does some good here and there. Has some good ideas. Hitler did a lot of good too. He campaigned against smoking, pushed health and herbalism, his people invented the microwave oven, etc. Larouche is more right wing than hitler. If larouche became pres, the first thing he said he would do is bring in marshal law. Think about that, You Know.


    Besides the hate which drives larouche, a cult sign is their evangelical ferver. They think larouches ideas are the most important in the world, because they will save the world and bring in untold peace and prosperity. They think they are special.

    The first act of pres larouche would be declaring martial law. I don't care how good his ideas sound, if he uses draconian methods, i don't want to hear them.

    You can't build a loving system by using hate.


    I have put skynews in my address book. Thanks


  • You Know
    You Know

    I seriously doubt that you have ever had any contact with the LaRouche organization. He has a ton of stuff on the net. Go point out for us one thing where he or his organization promote hate or totalitarian rule. LaRouche is more an American patriot in the fullest sense. Not merely an empty-headed flag waver, but a person who understands what America is supposed to be all about. I witness and talk to LaRouche people all the time and have found that they are peaceful truth-seeking people who are passionate about their beliefs. That in itself sets them apart from most shallow thinking individuals and makes them targets for various slanders by those who don't respect truth. They are simply mistaken in looking for political solutions to problems that originate in the spirit realm. / You Know

  • Satanus

    YouKnow nothing

    You say you witness and talk to larouche people.

    I said i went to their meetings for a while and even was in one of their demonstrations. I said i saw and heard things with my own eyes and ears. After one meeting i went to restaurent with the group. It included dennis speed, one of larouche's luitenents and gilles and christianne gervais. I said they have an intense hate for the british royal family. I said the that they (christianne) said at one meeting that the first thing larouche would do as president of the US is declare martial law. That was a step in preparation to shutting down the federal reserve, as that would start pandemonium.

    You say that you seriously doubt i ever had any contact with them. You are calling me a liar.

    Change your name to YouKnowNothing

  • You Know
    You Know

    I knew I could smoke you out, you blustering bozo. I challenged you to cite one thing that LaRouche has written that promotes hate or totalitarian rule. You didn't because you can't. Citing the crimes of mankind's worst enemy, other than the Devil, is not promoting hate. It is the political equilivant of what Christ did. The Bible prophecy regarding the present political structure identifies a dual world power which we understand to be the the Anglo-American establishment. The Bible describes this beastly system as crushing and treading down the entire world. LaRouche has simply revealed in great detail how they have gone about their business. Futhermore, LaRouche has never advocated martial law, but rather an orderly bankruptcy of the world's bankrupt financial system. That could possibly entail emergency measures for a time, but not as you would have the poor reader fear. When the system blows, as it is now in the process of doing, there will no doubt be martial law imposed in order to prevent the very thing that LaRouche has been advocating as the only hope to prevent a return to a New Dark Age. God's word indicates that this world's greatest time of darkness lies immediately ahead of us and that only those who have full faith in Jehovah will emerge from it alive. / You Know

  • Satanus


    I heard christianne gervais who represents their org in my city, say that martial law was the first thing larouche would do. You said 'possibly entail emergency measures for a time'. There you go.

    I read some of their stuff. I'm not going to do it again. I have had enough cult shit. Go fuck yourself inside another cult.


  • You Know
    You Know

    You are obviously incapable of supporting your nonsense with facts. That's why you resort to this sort of hysterical ranting and profanity. I see you deleted your vile diatribe from your previous most but resorted to it again in the follow up. LOL / You Know

  • Englishman

    Well, well, well.

    An ANOINTED servant of the Most High God is advocating a "Worldly person", a "Pawn of Satan", a "Member of this wicked system of things" as an example to us all!


    Stay Alive 'Til '75!

  • expatbrit

    Don't you think the name "Lyndon LaRouche" is far better suited to a transvestite piano-playing stripper?


  • Satanus


    I know i criticised your new political religion. You want me to read their stuff again to prove that hate motivates them. If you can't recognise hate when you associate with them, read their stuff and hear them talk, then whatever i found wouldn't prove it to you either.

    You never said if you even go to their meetings. Tell me, do you, or don't you?

    Hey, i unerstand how easy it is to go from one cult to another. Newly xjws are vulnerable to other cults. That was when i went to their meetings. You don't believe me when i say i went there, or helped then demonstrate, or that they hate the british aristocracy, I don't care. I don't care. Go to their meetings. Proselytize for them, but don't do it here. I don't care.


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