Has anyone posted or delivered the "SILENTLAMBS SERVICE BULLETIN"YET?

by wozadummy 23 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Alpheta

    Well, good luck. Whoever wrote that press release needs to go back and take eighth grade grammar over again. Sorry to criticize, but what a piss-poor job of writing on such an important topic! If THIS is what is being mailed out to JWs around the world, geez! Who is running things over at Silent Lambs that would let something like this be published???

    To contact Dateline, try this: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10285339/

  • Alpheta

    P.S. The California court ruling does NOT mean that the database is open for public scrutiny. You can be sure that the defendants will - if they ultimately lose this at the appeals court level - will have the court put protective orders in place so that the information in the database is NOT put into the public court record and will NOT be shared with anyone other than counsel involved in the law suits. Typically information that is "discovered" by depositions, written interrogatories, etc. according to local discovery rules (or the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure) - are NOT put into the court record for public access; these materials are used in the development of a prosecution or defense strategy including developing witness lists and also to impeach witnesses' testimony.

    The important thing to keep in mind with respect to this ruling is that the court denied the defendants the use of clergy-penitant privilege to prevent pertinent information from being made available to plaintiffs' counsel. That is the key.

  • penny2
    I've only managed to place one so far as I'm ill at the moment

    Just wondering how you are now wozadummy - hope you're feeling better. I also admire your courage in what you're doing. I haven't seen anything in the papers yet???


  • wozadummy

    Hi penny2 Yes I'm better now thanks and up and about, I've placed another via email but hav'nt got a response back yet but a freind is going out house to house with me this week so we will see what happens. It's funny to go back to the houses I used to witness at but I feel it has to be done even if it is only a small contribution. Steve

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