Has anyone posted or delivered the "SILENTLAMBS SERVICE BULLETIN"YET?

by wozadummy 23 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • orbison11

    yes, i also sent one to a.cooper yesterday, with great respect as you also did


    yes, i also sent one to a.cooper yesterday, with great respect as you also did

    Getting this out in the media and door-to-door!!! WOW!!!



    Was this the BIG NEWS the WTS said was going to come out in October???

  • Snoozy

    This post remined me of a discussion I just had with my grown daughter..(Catholic).

    I pointed out a article in this weekends paper about the Catholic church kicking out some priests convicted of child molesting.

    She was mad because it was focusing on the Catholic church when she just knew it was going on in other religions!

    People just don't want to confess it is among them in their OWN religion...

    They would rather attack others religion.

    That's the same thing the JW's do.
    They say "Why pick on us ..Get the Catholic Church..".

    No one wants to be accountable for their own religions faults..

    Snoozy..who would love to give a flyer to everyone she meets..




  • moshe

    Man, what I wouldn't give to see 20-20 do a story about this. I would make sure to call all my old JW friends and tell them to watch TV, if such a show ever airs. Maybe the Sunday papers will have more coverage- what about in Australia?- any news about JW pedophiles in your paper this morning?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Man, what I wouldn't give to see 20-20 do a story about this. I would make sure to call all my old JW friends and tell them to watch TV, if such a show ever airs.

    I thought about your comment Moshe. I believe that the correct venue is Dateline - since they are familiar with the matter. So I emailed them as follows today;

    Dear Dateline; I watched in horror your docu in May 2002, entitled 'Witness for the Prosecution'. At the time I was a member of this high control cult, Jehovah's Witnesses, having known no other religion since a child. Now at 46 I sat immobilized in fear that something so destructive could be part of the religion I was reared to accept as 'The Truth'. Not long thereafter, I and my wife, separated ourselves from that religion and have suffered the effects of shunning by our former friends ever since. Your program and expose of the facts in these matters, and the treatment 'behind the scenes' of Jehovah's witnesses willing to stand up for those victims, was a key point in my eventual exit from that group. For that I thank you, as I bring further news that I hope you will follow up with; an update, if you will. SilentLambs organization, founded by Bill Bowen, has provided a wonderful service to these people, and has dedicated itself to the revelation of this heinous pedophilia within the ranks of Jehovah's Witnesses. Recent developments in the matter, legally, have come to my attention. Mr Bowen is of course best informed on the matter, and has posted information regarding a watershed ruling [I hope] in the California Courts. I hope you will investigate the latest ruling and update the public. The gist of the matter is that the courts have begun to rule against Jehovah's Witnesses elders using 'ecclesiatical privilage' to protect child molesters in their congregations. It is reported that perhaps a quiet operation is underway at some of Jehovah's Witness Churches [known as Kingdom Halls] to destroy records in an effort to evade the legal consequences of this ruling. I urge you to use your public forum to protect the children. Respectfully yours - Jak

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Unfortunately my email was not delivered - I have no access it seems.

    So another good idea shot to hell.


  • DevonMcBride
  • DevonMcBride

    This is the top ranked news for "Anderson Cooper" a few days after this release went out. It's at number 3!!! Over the weekend it was number 2! If he didn't see it himself, his PR people have. A big thanks to everyone who commented on the World Forum thread as it shows some personal and touching experiences.

    Woman Has Anderson Cooper Tattoo
    WCSH-TV, ME - 10 hours ago
    If you need proof Anderson Cooper is Tanya Paulin's favorite newscaster, just look at her left calf. The Canadian Press reports ...
    Cooper made into indelible bachelor
    Calgary Sun, Canada - Nov 4, 2006
    ST. CATHARINES, Ont. -- CNN reporter Anderson Cooper has made a lasting impression on Tanya Paulin: She decided to have his face tattooed on her left calf. ...
    CNN anchor Cooper has lasting impressionGuelph Mercury (subscription)
    all 2 news articles ยป
    Anderson Cooper Supports Pedophile-Harboring Organization
    World Forum - Nov 4, 2006
    It seems like Anderson Cooper put his name to a controversial religious organization and upset some former followers. ... How could Anderson Cooper not know? ...

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