Do you believe in Angels?

by nicolaou 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nicolaou

    Do you believe in the existence of Angels? What about Demons? Do you believe in the biblical heirarchy of Seraphs, Cherubs etc? Do you believe they ever materialised into human or animal form in the past? Do you believe they do it now? Do you believe that you will one day be an angel?

    Have you ever experienced angelic guidance or sufferred at the hands of demons?

  • zeroday

    I don't believe in a diety, angels or demons.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    yes, yes, no, yes, yes, no, yes, yes!

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes there are a few Angels on this board - actually, come to think of it, there are one or two demons also

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Absolutely not, for any of them.

  • Warlock

    I believe in angels and demons. I also believe we have a guardian angel. Yes, I believe that in Noah's time demons did take human form.

    I do not believe we will ever become angels.


  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy

    No, but I believe in angles. Does that count?

  • Seeker4

    Don't believe in angels, demons or gods of any mythology, especially the bible myths, though there are some great mythological tales.


  • lovelylil

    Yes, I believe in Angels.

  • Steam

    Yes, I believe angels exist, the fallen ones are among us and soon will have greater liberty for their judgment by the Church. They will cause havoc in the world. I do not believe that men will turn into angels. The 144,000 and the Great Multitude will become spirit beings of a higher order than angels. The Seraphs are spirit beings but the cherubim are not. There is an order among spirit beings of rank and authority. There is much more of the unseen Universe than of visible things.

    Steam Psalm 50:5

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