Any active dub disappointment 'bout lack of persecution from the CRAP TRACT

by Kudra 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • valkyrie

    My apartment house was finally 'tagged'!

    Mid-morning on Monday (30 October... some weeks behind you in the U.S. and U.K.) my doorbell was rung and the young woman (early 20's?) who spoke through the intercom gigglingly informed me that she and her companions were engaged in an information campaign in the neighbourhood, but that they didn't want to disturb me or use up my time (!). If I 'buzzed' them into the house they would be happy to simply leave a tract "about the Bible" [incredibly vague and non-denomination-specific] for me in my mailbox.

    I found it very curious that a) the young woman did not identify herself as a JW, and b) that she immediately shied away from a face-to-face presentation. Is this the 'hit-and-run' method of campaigning?


  • Kudra

    in an act of self-promotion...


    because I want to know if, after the fact, any active witnesses are acknowledging that their "earthshattering message" has been completely ignored by the nation and planet as a whole.

    Sorry for obsessing on this but I just am very curious.

  • Cellist

    Isn't there still two weeks of distribution left? I'm sure they'll keep their hopes up till the bitter end of the campaign. LOL


  • fullofdoubtnow

    They aren't encountering any persecution around here, even from the Muslims, of which there is quite a large local population. They are joining in with the rest of the community and laughing at the jws latest futile efforts to make converts.

  • eyeslice

    I think tract campaigns are as much about 'geeing' up the R&F as attracting interest from outsiders.

    The problem is that there is very little today that fires the imagine of the average JW. Whatever it is, been there, done it and much as before.

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