I'm meeting with the elders this Saturday

by Honesty 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    That's right, guys and girls, I'm going to meet with at least two elders this Saturday.

    Before you get ya britches in a big 'ol wad I can explain everything.

    It's like this... well, a good friend asked me yesterday if I would be willing to meet with some JW's who have been having a 'Bible study' with him for 5 or 6 weeks. It appears that these JW's are elders and they have informed him that he is not a Christian. He asked them if they would be willing to discuss their beliefs with anyone and everyone so that he could be sure what they are telling him about not being a Christian is true. They said that they would be more than happy to discuss their beliefs with anyone and that since they have the Truth it will stand up to any scrutiny. When he mentioned my name one of them squirmed but the other one said fine. The one that was the most agreeable is a long-time close friend who may wonder why I DA'd in 2004.

    Do y'all think I should take a ham sandwich and a YMCA membership card with me to the meeting?

    The ham sandwich is for the WTBT$'s blood policy and the YMCA membership card is for the UN thingy.

    I already have some non-confrontational questions that I'm going to ask them in order to kickstart their critical thinking abilities but do want to get them thinking about the WT's crazy blood policy and the excuse for the Un thingy.

    Do y'all think I should just chill and do a slow boot with the questions or should I go ahead and apply full throttle and give them a little demonstration of the wacky blood policy and the UN affiliation and pray they will not run scared?

  • lovelylil

    That depends, what exactly were you going to begin with? Lilly

  • fokyc

    Whatever you do, don't trust them, they are going to lie! They always do.


  • Emma

    I think they''ll refuse to engage in any discussion even if they lose their "new sheep." They're taught to turn tail and run from apostates which you'll be from your first question. At least your friend will be free! The borg makes them so terrified of anything other than their own dope that witnesses literally can't listen.

  • Blueblades

    HI Honesty! You might want to start with the new book that your friend is studying with them, what has been discussed so - far and address that first.: "What Does The Bible Really Teach?" This book is on line somewhere here and has penetrating follow up questions to the teach book's questions, they either have to answer this or side - step it. Then I would ask them to explain the Blood Policy ala Ham Sandwich, hold the UN thing off for last. Have some print outs from this site about the UN debacle because you may not be able to get that far with them.They may end up saying,"We will get back to you on this and that or start to 'Ad Hominem' you, evading the questions and attacking you,not reasoning on your honest questions.

    A good book to get is: "CAPTIVES OF A CONCEPT" by Don Cameron. Go to his member's name and you will find it their.


  • Honesty

    "Do you believe the Watchtower organization was prophesied in Mt 24:45?"

    "If so, doesn't that mean that they are directly guided by God what to publish?"

    "If the Watchtower is a "Spirit led prophet" of God doesn't that make it equally authoritative and infallible as the Bible?"

    Can you think of any examples of a prophet who was not inspired?


    Where does the Bible SPECIFICALLY and CLEARLY say:

    1. Jesus is Michael the Archangel

    2. Heaven is LIMITED to only 144,000

    3. "paradise earth" (I can't find it anywhere in the Bible.)

    4. Does the Bible say that we are supposed to go to an "organization" for salvation

    Show me these IN THE BIBLE, without any other man's explanations of what they "think" certain verses should mean. These things should be clear and obvious, if they are infact what Jehovah would have us believe. Where in the BIBLE are they? Would Jehovah write a book about Himself in such a way, that very few could understand it? I do not believe so. That would be deceitful and tricky. I don't believe He is like that. Do YOU?


    *** w81 8/15 p. 28 par. 14 Serving Jehovah “Shoulder to Shoulder” ***

    14 From time to time, there have arisen from among the ranks of Jehovah’s people those who, like the original Satan, have adopted an independent, faultfinding attitude. They do not want to serve “shoulder to shoulder” with the worldwide brotherhood. (Compare Ephesians 2:19-22.) Rather, they present a “stubborn shoulder” to Jehovah’s words. (Zech. 7:11, 12) Reviling the pattern of the “pure language” that Jehovah has so graciously taught his people over the past century, these haughty ones try to draw the “sheep” away from the one international “flock” that Jesus has gathered in the earth. (John 10:7-10, 16) They try to sow doubts and to separate unsuspecting ones from the bounteous “table” of spiritual food spread at the Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses, where truly there is ‘nothing lacking.’ (Ps. 23:1-6) They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such ‘Bible reading,’ they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom’s clergy were teaching 100 years ago, and some have even returned to celebrating Christendom’s festivals again, such as the Roman Saturnalia of December 25! Jesus and his apostles warned against such lawless ones.—Matt. 24:11-13; Acts 20:28-30; 2 Pet. 2:1, 22.

  • lovelylil


    All good points to bring out. For sure they will not be able to answer and will get upset with you. But it may very well show your friend that they do not have all the answers that can hold up to scrutiny like they claim. And hopefully your friend will loose confidence in them. Good luck let us know what happens. If they show up that is. Lilly

  • Blueblades

    Honesty, don't hit them hard at first, they will cut and run if you do. I think using their own literature such as the book your friend is stuying at this time will make it hard for them to avoid your counter questions right out of the book.


  • Honesty

    That's for starters.

    If they hang 10, I'll get to some of the hard stuff like the blood policy ala ham sandwich and then the UN/NGO for last

  • Honesty

    Honesty, don't hit them hard at first, they will cut and run if you do. I think using their own literature such as the book your friend is stuying at this time will make it hard for them to avoid your counter questions right out of the book.


    Thanks!!! I'll call him and see if it's the 'Bible Teach' book.

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