Racism in the watchtower - Help me stop these lies!

by LeahJasmine 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • LeahJasmine

    A lunatic on another website is spreading lies about the Jehovah Witnesses. He's published an article that I am fighting. You can read it here: Racism in the Jehovah Witness Watchtower: Members of the Cult Must Abandon Their Community for the Watchtower Community.

    Please help me. Go to this site and leave comments stating that these accusations are pure lies. Everything is on the line. We can't allow lies like these to spread.

  • blondie

    What part do you feel is untrue? I notice he has quoted from WT publications. Are the quotes untrue?


  • Sam87

    i agree with you blondie, if the quotes are from WT publications, whats so untrue? they obviously said it then.


  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Gee... I don't know... this Lunatic makes a pretty good point, maybe this is "New Light"

    P.S. You may not be on the discussion board that you hoped for but please, stick around.

  • Sam87

    exactly, stick around and have a read, you'll be surprised lol

  • skyking

    Yap this is all true. can't disprove the Society said this at that time because they did. What are you trying to disprove? Do you want him to lie and say it never happened. Sounds like what you want is for Adam to lie agian and say that Eve did it.

  • Chameleon

    Damn those apostates and their quoting from watchtower publications.

  • Sam87

    Chameleon! couldnt have said it better myself! LMAO!

  • lovelylil

    Seems like a good article to me. And the WT's are quoted so you can look them up on your cd rom. I personally witnessed a lot of racism in the KH's I was in. And many people made racist comments about my daughter who is half puerto rican - right to my face!. Needless to say this did not go over well with my PR hubby. I think they were so ignorant they really did not see what they were saying was wrong and hurtful. Lilly

  • JWdaughter

    In all honesty, the only thing I know without a doubt to be untrue is that they wear colonial (or nearly so) clothing. Thats a bit of a stretch. Modest and mostly out of style garb is about the worst you could accuse them of. . . often retro in a bad way, but not quite THAT retro.

    I am unaware that they have secret tape recorders regularly, but I could definitely see the elders trying to trap a 'suspect' in such a way.

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