the da vinci code

by Sam87 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sam87

    ok i havnt seen the movie or read the book yet but im going to watch it tonight, i was having a discussion with my girlfriends sister about the movie, and she is under the impression that some of it is real, for example Jesus getting married and having offspring.

    From what i can gather she is coming to this conclusion because da vinci painted a picture of the last supper and it has hidden messages in it. But she seems to beleive its true?! What does one persons paintings have to do with whether Jesus was married? I know this movie apparently has some facts in it, but it is mostly fiction, and i think shes seemed to beleive alot of it, now i havnt seen it and i will be watching it tonight (and i bet ill look back over this post and wonder how the hell i could get it all confused)

    but i was just wondering what everyone thinks of the movie/book? and does da vinci really have hidden messages? and even if he does why does that make them true?

  • Stealth453

    I have read the book, but have not seen the movie. I must admit, that although it is an admitted work of fiction, from the research that I have done, there are some good points there for consideration. There are several noted sources that agree with the idea that jesus was in fact married to Mary, and they paint a pretty convincing picture of proof. I tend to feel that the marriage is plausible, and the Boobles account has been fictionalized to fit secular religion. I always shnit....500,000,000,000,000 flies can't be wrong.

  • free2beme

    The thing is, a lot of what is in the book is a grouping of several theories and thoughts. There is a lot of historical truth in the movie. The legends start when they act like Jesus was the son of God. When he is really a legend from the time frame mentioned. It is true though, that many of the powers added to Jesus in time, or the fact that he was called "Son of God" was added in committee. People needed something to believe in and religion helped to keep early man in order, and controllable.

  • Sam87

    thanks for the reply and i see your point, but what does it have to do with da vinci? how is he linked to the bible?! is this just the fiction part of the movie? just because da vinci painted a picture that sugests he was married doesnt mean Jesus was married and i think this was what she was trying to tell me (i could be wrong). I guess im just going to have to wait till tonight so i can watch the movie and find out what the hell is going on.


  • Seeker4

    Read the book carefully and saw the movie.

    The book is a novel, a work of fiction. You should probably see the movie and read the book before asking the questions. The book ties together several stories, myths, historical events, conspiracy theories, and ideas. It does it pretty well, but it's not intended to be historically true by any means.

    Da Vinci is tied in because he is purported to be part of a group that knew of Jesus "marriage" to Mary Magdalene, and who were guarding that secret. Da Vinci revealed parts of that secret through his paintings, especially The Last Supper - ie: the Da Vinci "code" - get it?

    I found the book and movie fun as hell, and there were some interesting ideas in there that made a lot of people really take quite a different view of Christianity. Just don't take it too seriously.


  • skyking

    As much as I would like to believe there is some truth in this da vinci code. I can not find it, a lot of anecdotal thinking with no proof other than the painting of the last supper, which is very interesting. The movie is fiction, but it is a great movie, the book is even better yet.

    Even though I don't think much of the Da Vinci Code do your thinking and research. Always be opened minded and form your own opinions

  • Sam87

    skyking, it is interesting about the painting of the last supper, but does that really class as proof of Jesus having a wife (companion)? Because thats what my girlfriends sister was saying she beleives in, to me its just a picture, with no more proof than if i painted a picture with hidden messages about Jesus in it. Am i wrong?


  • stillajwexelder

    read the movie and seen the movie - but it is not totally original - that is why he was sued. The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail published in 1982 published the theory about Jesus and Mary Magdalene getting married and fathering kids including the Merovingian Blood line of French Kings

  • Carmel

    What is anecdotal evidence to some is "proof" to others. I read the book and enjoyed it thoroughly, of course I'd read "Those Incredible Christians" and "Passover Plot" years ago and recognized where the author got his ideas. Those tomes were written by Schoenfield, a Jew who did pretty credible research into the stories of Jesus. One I remember was the use of the term "abba" which is reserved for married men who are fathers. Jesus was so referred and Shoenfield concludes from this and many other anecdotes that He was married.


  • stillajwexelder

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