by bikerchic 8 Replies latest social entertainment

  • bikerchic

    OH YAY! I'm so gunna have to save up for this one!

    Family tradition started with the remake of the first went with soon to be (then) son-in-law and my daughter to the opening premier in Cali as they were out visiting with me from their home state.

    Scans to Spiderman II and we all three were in Las Vegas when Spidey II opened so we went to that one. This year they were here visiting me and hubby and we went to the opening night of Pirates and saw the trailer of Spiderman III, we made a pact to see the opening together!!

    They live states away so this is so gunna cost me to go the opening with them! But I can't wait! I'm thinking Vegas again! YAY!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    My son is dying to see this (as am I).

    Have you heard if the Green Goblin makes an appearance? The way they ended Spiderman 2 makes you wonder.

  • bikerchic

    Have you heard if the Green Goblin makes an appearance? The way they ended Spiderman 2 makes you wonder.

    Chris click onto that link in my first post and follow it around there is a whole nuther discussion board world about Spiderman and I'm sure you'll find out a lot of interesting things, I sure did! I'm hooked and like you and your kiddo I can't wait to see the next one!

  • Smiles

    Oh. How disappointing. I thought you were talking about the end of false religion.

  • bikerchic
    Oh. How disappointing. I thought you were talking about the end of false religion.

    LOL Smiles!

    Now wouldn't that be nice!

  • free2beme

    Yes, it looks good. I was always into the comic as a kid and I know where their heading with this one, from reading so many comics as a child. Should be the best of the three. Too bad they have already said it would be the last one. I guess that, much like X-men, they do not want to pull a Superman and bury the series with to much production. I heard they are thinking of putting it away for about ten years, and then coming back if public demand is willing.

  • sandy

    I always liked Spiderman . . . I absolutely loved it on the big screen, both times. I'm looking forward to three as well. I'm no a big fan of Kristen Dunst, whatever the hell her name is. I heard speculation that she'll be killed off in three. Of course I don't want her dead in real life but I hope she gets wacked in spide3.

  • sass_my_frass

    I thought Spiderman 1 was fun but the sequel was kak.

  • rebel8

    So is a movie about the Smurfs.

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