I finally did the right thing

by cyberdyne systems 101 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    I had been friendly to a woman I met recently and wanted to take things further, but found out she was with someone when I asked if she wanted my number. I bumped into her again two weeks later and she then asked for my number, so i asked her again was she with someone, she said yes but she could still text me. My gut reaction through mistakes I have made in the past was to not get involved. I said to her if she had been single I would have had no hesitation to give it to her but due to the circumstances I cant. I left knowing it was the right choice but totally gutted. Life lessons sure are hard.

    CS 101

  • diamondblue1974

    Experience surely is the hardest master to learn from. You did good, its good you have those standards.

    Don't deny yourself friendships though...


  • becca1

    You did do the right thing. Don't date a cheater, she would just cheat on you as well.

  • daystar

    Kudos to you bro! Plus, she'll either respect you more and if/when she and her boyfriend split, you'll be near the top of the list, or she'll be turned off you, in which case you probably just dodged a bullet.

  • Virgochik

    That was very brave of you. It's hard to do the right thing sometimes, but it makes you feel good. Anyway, just think, if you got together with her, would she be secretly texting some other guy?

  • Hellrider

    You did the right thing. Ten years ago, I wasn`t that smart, and got involved with a woman that loved with someone, fell desperately in love. Evetually, she dumped me, and I had my heart broken so bad, it took me years to get over it. Stay away from those kinds of women.

  • littlerockguy

    Yeah, just think if you really fell in love with this person and she attached to someone else. You would ultimately be the one burned, not necessarily the one she already is with.


  • jstalin

    Good job.

  • mama1119

    But really, doesnt it make you feel better about yourself in the longrun! Good Job

  • Nosferatu

    If you want to increase your chances with women, get their number. That way you're in total control of contacting her, and you won't have to sit around wondering if she'll call you.

    What you did was right, not because you shouldn't interfere with her relationship, but because you don't need any more female friends. You want a lover! Keep looking, and you'll find one.

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