Do you need to be popular?

by nicolaou 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    I don't care if I'm popular. I am who I am. And I want people to like me for my personality.

    Professor said:

    Around Milwaukee, a person's popularity is judged almost solely on how well they know me! lol.

    You goof! Where in Milwaukee are you? PM me if you want. We live near MadCity.


  • moshe

    I have never worried about being popular- it's too much stress trying to stay on top. My family loves me and that's good enough.

  • Outaservice

    When you're too 'popular' everyone wants a piece of you, and it's very hard to live a normal life! I need a little rest in my older age!


  • JWdaughter

    My 6 year old thinks I am the bomb-what more does a frumpy middle aged girl need?? I was over the need to be popular long ago. But I do want to be liked/loved by my significant people. I like that I was missed enough at my old job that they offered it back to me on MY terms(hours totally at my convenience, better pay). I like knowing that my mom loves me and needs me. Feeling necessary is more important to me than popularity, per se, but I guess it is just the grown up version.

  • serendipity

    I have no need to be popular. I just want to be adored and loved by a select few and liked and respected by a few others. That's enough for me.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    When I think of popularity, I think of shallowness. A person can only be close to so many people. It is important to feel loved and needed, but that doesn't take much. Just a sincere friend you can relate to or the love of a child. And popularity doesn't lead to happiness. That can easily be seen in the lives of "popular people". They are only happy when they are the center of attention. Sometimes, it is necessary to spend time alone to really know yourself. Unfotunately, there will always be those who put themselves above others and make others feel small.

  • mama1119

    I never cared about popularity. I would rather have a few close friends, and a close family, than a bunch of superficial friends.

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