by dannygwalsh 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dannygwalsh

    hi all

    thought id inject a bit of light hearted humor , any stories of elders who were unorthodox in a witness way ,

    there was one elder in the hall i used to attend called ronnie [edit] , who i still like and admire as a person to this day , he was always very outspoken when he didnt agree with the society on there policy and doctrines and was pra, ctically opposed to bethel service , i remember him giving a talk on applying for bethel service in the km many years ago , and at the end of the talk he said joking with a wry smile , i dont know why any of the brothers would want to do that , sounds like slave labour to me, also whe he was conducting the revelation book study , when it talked about the seven plagues of god being fulfilled in a wt convention in ohio in 1919 , he turned round and said , i dont know where the society get all this from , ...

    he also had a very distinctive voice spoken thru pursed lips in a rasp like voice saying thats just STUPID , whenever he didnt agree with the society and other elders , a great man in spite of his beliefs , he was one of the elders on my jc who srongly opposed my disfellowshipping , but he was overuled-

  • StillGroggy

    Wow, what a cool guy.

    The seven plagues/conventions thing IS hillarious, he just had the marbles to say it on the stage.

    Thanks for sharing that.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    The pressure to keep quiet is so enormous. I respect your friend. It's almost like the McCarthy era of informing on others. I hated it. I wish I could have been so bold. I was with a few, but only a few.


  • BizzyBee
    The seven plagues/conventions thing IS hillarious, he just had the marbles to say it on the stage.

    Great! That particular piece of idiocy was instrumental in my leaving the WTS.

  • LongHairGal

    I remember when we covered the Revelation book the first time.

    I shook my head over several things which really made me laugh. But, what was particularly funny was some brother who made a comparison with it and the Wizard of Oz saying "ding dong the wicked witch is dead". He felt there was too much similarity to Emerald City.


  • StillGroggy

    I'm glad we're gonna study Rev book again, it's very confusing, but is great for causing convo.

    Also, TONS of speculation from the WTS, so it can get people thinking

    You'd think they'd just sweep it under the rug, right?


  • hambeak

    I knew a couple years ago very kind wonderful guys with great families but when they questioned anything they were promptly removed and marked. Lost contact with them and later found out they both died.

  • JWdaughter

    Brother "N" told us of all the shenanigans he remembered from pre-1975 days-including HIS OWN! It is one of the things that led me out, and I thank him for that-he knows who he is. Thanks Bob!!

  • mouthy

    They sound like real guys... Wish I could have known one

  • read good books
    read good books

    There were elders in the other congregtation in the hall we went to that said don't go to Bethel, pretty much everything was tolerated by those guys except missing their Saturday afternoon touch football game. How I envied that congregation, we had Dudly Dooright the violin playing perfectionist for our CO, he made sure we stuck to every dang witness rule no matter how idiotic. He hounded me when I went to college and I heard years later that all his kids got disfellowshipped after I had left.

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