Question: If you don't believe the wts as truth why still in FS?

by hambeak 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    It's as you describe here. Folks will say that its going pretty well but when you press them for details, they'll confess that most of the tracts placed are at not at homes. Really, not at homes are the standard for weekday service anyway which is why you don't see many of the pioneers out on the weekend. Wouldn't want to actually talk to a live person now would we?

    Many accept it simply because there is little to no conversation. You tell them we're distributing a worldwide message and here's your personal copy. Then before they even read the title, you are gone.

    Actually, I think many enjoy the tract work since it is so easy and folks can get a sense of accomplishment that the territory was covered so quickly.

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