What's Your Favourite Board Game? Fluff Level 3

by Clam 19 Replies latest social entertainment

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    I like Jenga and UnoStacko. Not exactly board games, but still fun in group settings. I also enjoy Scrabble, Monopoly, and the SceneIt games are really fun in a large group!

    ~luv, jojo

  • daniel-p

    There is a rather fast-growing hobby of playing euro- or German-style boardgames which have many themes and typically use less luck than the average American boardgame. There are pretty amazing games that you would never see in a store here in the states... go to boardgamegeek.com for a large database of practically every game ever made to get reviews, ratings, and any other info you need to make a good purchase for your kids.

    I used to be big into computer games when I was younger but now I play boardgames. People look at me funny when I talk about it, but once I start explaining some of the games I play their eyes light up and they get interested. Its a nice diversion, yet you can still be interactive with those around you.

  • Nosferatu

    Scrabble, Payday, and Rummoli are awesome games!

  • daniel-p

    I'll make some suggestions. 6 to 12 is a wide age gap, so some of these may appeal to one and not the other, but I've heard of many parents having success getting their little ones to the table in some instances.

    http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/13 - The Settlers of Catan. This game is very popular, considering you can't buy it in Walmart yet. Your 12-year-old would get it, and the rest of your family might like it too, but I'm not too sure about your 6-year-old.

    http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/11170 - Heroscape. Here's one you can buy at Walmart - and it might actually work for both your kids, as I hear its pretty simple. I haven't played it personally, but it has a big following and I'm sure the action figure-like pieces would get your kid's attention.

    http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/74 - Here's an increasingly popular party game called Apples to Apples which takes about 30 seconds to explain the rules and is good for a lot of laughs, especially when you know everyone's sense of humor. Highly recommended for anyone - kids or not.

    http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/8203 - "Hey! That's My Fish!" Here's one your 6-year-old should easily get, but everyone else might really like it too. We got no kids in the house, but my wife and I love to play this - it was actually a game invented by a computer programmer trying to simulate AI. Anyway, its a fun and addictive game. I highly recommend it!

    http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/2655 - "Hive." Another one your six-year-old wil probably have not much trouble with. Its got nice bakelite pieces and plays quickly, like the one above and is easily explained. Also addicitve and you can take it in a little travel bag. I know people who take it to coffee shops and so forth because it looks really nice with the bakelite pieces.

  • nicolaou

    Growing up in a greek Cypriot family I had no choice but to master Backgammon (tavli) by the time I started school! I've been playing for almost 40 years now and still enjoy it.

    As kids though we too loved Monopoly, Risk, Cluedo and yes, even Snakes & Ladders! "Ah the memories!"

  • lonelysheep

    I love Scrabble!

    A game I greatly enjoyed as a kid was SORRY!

    Trivial Pursuit


  • Finally-Free

    Monopoly, using my rules.

    The last time a few of us played using my rules the game lasted 3 days. The bank was bankrupt half way through the first day. Hotels and houses were discarded and replaced with matchsticks, each matchstick representing 50 hotels. Boardwalk and Park Place each had 50 matchsticks, representing 2500 hotels. All players were in debt to me. Interest rates were at 11% per hour. The game ended when the beer ran out.


  • Clam

    Thanks folks. I'm going to look at every suggestion carefully. Loads of Xmas present ideas now too. Thanks Daniel P for all your trouble. I really like boardgamegeek.com, I'd never heard of it before.

    Cheers .

  • ButtLight

    Its been a long time, but I always liked CLUE!

    You know, the buttler did it in the library with a candlestick!

  • Butters

    It's either "Hasbro's Slippery Steps" or "Ooh! You're Blue! The Hold Your Breath Game"...


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