Uli should have won. This was the first time that I watched the whole program (series); and it's going to be my last! Michael was my favorite and the viewers' favorite; but Uli out did herself at Bryant Park. Laura's stuff was very elegant, and she was the best seamtress, but she lacked in overall appeal.
I am a total PR junkie! I agree with everything you said. Michael was my fave all along except I didn't end up liking his pieces at the show. I actually liked Laura's stuff a lot and thought it was kinda unique......but I guess evening wear is not as popular these days. Uli's stuff was a little simple--all those empire waisted things are probably easier to make--so I imagine that's why they didn't choose her.
I don't think I've liked even one of Jeffrey's pieces. They all look like something Gwen Stefani would wear. If they didn't choose Laura because evening wear doesn't sell as well, then I wonder why they picked Jeffrey's stuff. Who is going to buy it? It's hideous. He should have been kicked off when he made that horrid mother's outfit, and again when he made the Betsy Ross pantaloons, and again with the yellow gown.......ick!!! None of his stuff is flattering to the body.
they looked into Jeffrey's receipts and found he supposedly didn't pay anyone for extra work other than what they allow. I find that hard to believe.
Me too! I also find it hard to believe they think he would submit a receipt for someone else's labor, asking PR to pay for his fraud. Of course there wouldn't be a receipt!