Did the Watchtower Organization make you "Cry" at a time or another?

by JH 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    Yes. For different reasons.

    That in itself should've woke me up to what was going on.


  • serendipity

    I didn't cry when the elders df'd me. I didn't cry when I told my friends. But I broke down crying like a baby when my mother asked what the elders said and agreed that it wasn't in line with the WT teachings.

  • stillin4now

    I'm pretty emotional anyway but I cry often when I think about how I've been lied to my whole life. Being raised a JW means it affects

    every part of your life. But I don't blame my parents, they were duped too. They came in the "truth" just before 1975.

    But here's the thing, My husband has just started researching things on the internet about JWs and after about 2 days of constantly reading

    it kind of hit him like a ton of bricks. He woke up yesterday totally crying. He had to call in sick to work he was so upset. He's been in

    "the truth" for about 8 years. Now we are rethinking everything. It is very upsetting but at least now we can move forward in a positive direction

    from now on.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie



    (((((((((ALL of you)))))))))

    I just love yall!!!


  • stillin4now

    Thanks Frannie Banannie! You all are so nice here. It really helps to have this group here to talk to and share experiences.

  • BabaYaga

    Things that make you go DANG!!!

    I just want to squeeze all of you.

    Have they ever made me cry? OHhhhh, HONEY, you have no idea. I still water up, but now I'm pissed.

  • LovesDubs

    wow.....huge hugs to all you guys. They sure screwed us over didnt they? All in the name of Jehooober.

    I was in a JC in 1986...had done something illicit with my fiance. When I was done describing in lurid detail what we had done to three rapt elders, one of them got into my car afterwards with me and said "Do you believe in God?" I looked at him and said, "In all honesty, after THAT little display in there...no. No God would put anybody through what you just put my fiance and me through. Frankly its none of your damn business what we do or dont do."

    They didnt DF us. But I hated them from that point forward.

  • chiddy

    Lots of tears not from me , but driving back from your J/C and your wife , Mum and Dad waiting for the the verdict and you've been found guilty, difficult, although I won on appeal it was only a temp reprieve.

  • LongHairGal

    Once many years ago I had an unpleasant conversation with a very arrogant brother who was our BS conductor.

    He was an older man who people had a problem with. He looked down on most everybody and did things his own way. Of course, I didn't cry in front of him. And my tears were of frustration and indignation. He seemed to feel (and I think he got off on) an authoritarian cruel attitude that he felt people should just swallow. He knew people didn't like him and he didn't care.

    He had an attitude that even if you are criticized and you think the criticism isn't warranted, you should "humbly" accept it - which I DID NOT! Whether this was directed at me because I was a woman I can't say entirely because I don't know how he spoke to men privately. But, I suspect it was which I would not accept because it was beneath my dignity. Really, I am not abasing myself for anybody and I don't think Jesus would expect me to either.

    I honestly feel these people wish they lived in the middle ages when they were worshipped and had power over people's life and death.

    Now, I have no tolerance for bullshit and he would be wiping my spit off his face today.


  • lonelysheep


    I cried at meetings because my worldly husband wasn't there.

    I cried while having to sit in the bathroom the entire time at meetings because my children were newborn and two years old, & they made baby noises.

    I cried because I just wasn't isht or so I felt, since I could never do enough or be perfect-all while being told I'd never be perfect. Go figure.

    To this day, I cry every day because of the major legal relationship choice I made under their encouragement.

    I cried hysterically for 3 days when I realized I'd been lied to ("I actually fell for all this crap!!"), they were full of bologna and no different then any of the "false religions", and I knew I was going to lose my only support system because I had to break away from them and live true to me.

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