JW's and Girlscout cookies

by oppgirl63 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • oppgirl63

    My JW roommate and I were watching Boston Legal the other night and one case was about someone being fired for their religious beliefs. When one of the lawyers was talking to the jury, he mentioned many religions and the odd, quirky things about them. He did mention that if you were a Jehovah's Witness you couldn't buy Girl Scout cookies. My roommate said she had never heard such a thing. I told her I had read that many times on the boards I read. She buys the cookies and says she will continue to buy them. She also asked another friend of her's last night (also a JW) and she too had never heard of it. I told her to ask the two pioneer sisters that attends her KH about it and see what they say. Is this something that they stress in other parts of the country (I'm in the Southeast)? She pretty much thought that it was not true. I'm suprised she never heard of it. Any input would be greatly appreciated. I'm going to print out this thread and show it to her.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    There were a few I heard try to make it seem wrong to purchase GS cookies...Nothing was going to keep me from my samoa's, no matter how down I was.

  • Atlantis

    Witnesses were told that instead of buying "Girl Scout" cookies, their money would be better spent by donating it to the Worldwide Work!

    Buying "Girl Scout" cookies was frowned upon because the Watchtower made the JW member feel as if they were "taking part in the world" by doing so. Scout groups, card clubs, or anything like this was looked upon as "separating" families which (to the Watchtower), was unscriptural and should be avoided. Anything that was not associated with the Watchtower or its agenda was found fault with!

    Watchtower-1962-April-1-pp.203-204 http://x5.freeshare.us/view/?122fs267678.jpg http://x5.freeshare.us/view/?122fs2677668.jpg Cheers! Atlantis-

  • Butters

    This is absolutely insane. You mean that all that time, that facist organization was actually promoting people to rip off the girl scouts? How wude.

  • Atlantis

    This is the impression of the "Boy Scouts" the Watchtower would like to leave it's readers! Awake-1973-February-22-p.30 Boy Scouts and Firearms? Boy’s Life, a monthly magazine of the Boy Scouts of America, features 10-percent advertising for firearms and shells. Around Christmastime, the proportion is much greater, because, according to Associate Publisher Edward L. Kern, rifles are a ‘big seasonal selling item.’ December’s issue carried pictures of twenty-six different weapons, each glorifying trigger-pulling. Young boys are told to get their family to buy them a rifle. Fathers are also appealed to; one advertisement reads, “Remember your first 22? Make a kid happy this Christmas.” There were also ads for knives that snap open with the flick of a finger, a 24-pound navy cannon replica that “really shoots” and a midget pistol that fires tiny high-compression blanks. Out of twenty-seven ad pages, eight were devoted to lethal weapons and ammunition. Scout officials claim that, since “firearms are here to stay,” gun training and safety are important so boys that pick up a rifle will know “which end is which.” why help to support themby buying their cookies or participating with them in any way, since they are all part of Satan's worldly organization? That is the view Jehovah's Witnesses have had because of reading the Watchtower's interpretations and being forced to obey, or else! http://x5.freeshare.us/view/?122fs2682781.jpg Cheers! Atlantis-

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    I grew up in the southern USA in Mississippi, and my family and everyone in our congregation ALWAYS bought girlscout cookies. Whenever we would stop at walmart for breaks, if the scouts were there, the whole group bought a ton! My favorite were the ones with the strawberry jelly stuff in the center.

    But they don't sell those anymore.

    ~luv, jojo

  • unique1

    I grew up in NC and most here don't believe in supporting the Boy or Girl Scouts, but most also buy them on the sly anyways. Thin mints are difficult to pass up, even for a good JW.

  • Atlantis


    We did too! We really didn't think it was a big deal. But other JWs in other congregation got a little "bent-out-of-shape" when we commented that we purchased them. Most of the JWs down here in Florida that we knew felt good about buying them.


    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • love2Bworldly

    Yes I seem to recall that many JWs in my area frowned upon buying Girl Scout cookies. It went along with not joining the YMCA, and not attending school functions, and all the other BS. Looking back, it seems SOOOO STUUUUPID!!!

  • blondie

    Nothing in the publications about buying GS cookies (nothing about not joining, although they have a pledge and flag ceremonies that a JW could not participate in without a JC being convened.

    In this area most got cookies but did not publicize it.


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