You overlook the possibility that being on this site is, for some, the equivalent of solitare, knitting or chewing gum. You, Yadda, make the staggering assumption that we are all on here at the same level of intensity as, apparently, you are. Thirty minutes per day? How did you in your wisdom, come up with that? Do you have a superiority complex? Oh - don't bother to cut into your 30 minutes to answer.
Are you really free from the Watchtower?
by yaddayadda 41 Replies latest jw friends
Twenty plus years in...thirty plus years out...I spend more than 30min a day on this web what, doesn't mean I'm in bondage to the wt. I like it the fact that I can read and share with others a personel experince that no one understands except those that post here...glad you have it figured out..
Am I free from the Watchtower?..Yes..Does coming to this board make me Watchtower dependant???...What..???..This board Exposes the WBT$!!..Does that Disturb you?...OUTLAW
Obviously you did not waste to much time listening to the F&D slave. Maybe you are to intelligent to understand and all of us are just weak people. Or maybe you have no F#CKING CLUE on human emotions. What the hell are you doing here anyway ? Go F%CK yourself and the angel of I've moved on and you all are still attached horse you road In on.
YaddaYaddaYadda are you STILL a Jehovah's Witness? I noticed that you appear to be in hiding.
Little Bo Peep
We have been out for over 4 years now, and frequent this site daily. I would NEVER return to the Watchtower after finding out all the lies and deception therein. Since we still have family inside, we are still researching subjects, finding things we can say to them. Not only that, if we can say only one thing that would help another lurker to find his or her way, it's worth all the time on this board. Besides that, as an ex JW, we have left a lifetime of friends, taking very few if any with us, so this board is comforting, finding new friends here, knowing we are not alone. Meanwhile, we are finding new friends among the "world" that we once believed was demonized.
Little Bo Peep
It is true that the Society has no hold whatsoever on me, personally.
But I won't be entirely free of the Watch Tower Society as long as they are still holding hostages.
I hope you can understand that.
My grand grand-father used to talk about his experiences in the First World War to the day he died. It was such a traumatic experience that scared him for life. In many ways we are the same.
Obsessive compulsive behaviour is an entirely different thing. It is abnormal behaviour and amounts to mental illness which inhibits and affects every moment of a persons day.
Many on this site have give decades of their lives to a Society such as the Watchtower’s and still have family members captive to that slavery. To visit a site like this to discuss with other who are in the same situation is rational and normal behaviour.
Many Jehovah’s Witnesses break the rules to use this site while hiding under a false name. The comments they read here may help them to understand why they are suffering from cognitive dissidence and realize that they will never find contentment while they are followers of the Watchtower Society.
If they truly believed they had the truth in their lives they would not risk displeasing their god Jehovah to use this site.
I disagree with your statements
Saying by coming here we are not free is rubbish. I come here for relaxation, the threads make me laugh sometimes, often think about things and I like to know what's going on inside the org still because I have many family members still in.
The WT has formed my life, I will never be free of it's influences, and I dont see why I should be made to feel guilty or patronised because i enjoy this website and talking to people who have experienced similar. I spent many years looking down my nose at people, now I no longer feel the need, maybe it's YOU should be asking the questions, are you free from the patronising, condescending 'I'm better than you' mentality that is so part of being a JW
I think not.