The Battery is almost Dead.

by KW13 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    For over 100 years the same message of doom and gloom for the world has been preached with a twist. If your a Jehovah's Witness you can be saved.

    I think people are tired of expecting the end of the system, the older generation (there are more older ones than younger i am guessing) are seeing the end of their lives when they thought they never would and some of them probably think about the false prophecy.

    The Watchtower Society is quickly becoming someone trapped in mud who is sinking and trying everything they can to get free (Short of new predictions that is). It will probably take a long long time for them to sink as new people come along and stand for a cause and not the promise. They don't remember, they just get told. How much like George Orwell's Animal Farm does it get? The animals trying to remember life before they expelled Jones, almost certain life was better under him...

  • Mary

    You're absolutely right Karl and I love your example of comparing the Borg's message to an almost dead battery.

    I was talking to Delilah last night and, as fate would have it, she ran into my aunt (my dad's sister, a Dub in her 80s who's been waiting for decades for "the End" to show up. My aunt gave Dee the tract and emphasized that the distribution of it all over the world was soooo important. Why? Because the Witnesses are expecting it to herald in the Great Tribulation. My aunt emphasized that she really wanted to do everything necessary to make sure she qualified for Paradise, which of course, includes distributing a tract bashing all other religions, in particular the Catholic Church. The bottom line is: my aunt has a morbid fear of dying. I know that no one wants to die, but her terror goes beyond what the average person fears. Maybe it's a family thing because my dad and sister are the same, or maybe it's because of the religion---I don't know.

    I've noticed that my aunt and most other senior Dubs are becoming almost fanatical in their belief that Armageddon is imminent. I guess they simply cannot accept the idea that they are going to die and that they were lied to all their lives. I think it might be easier for the next generation, as we can at least see first hand what happens to someone's life when they entrust it to a pubishing company.

    You're right Karl, the battery is almost dead. Although those at the top are desperately trying to recharge it, the charger's almost dead too and the new light's so dim you can barely see Unfortunately, most Dubs would rather sit in the dark with a dead battery, rather than replace it with a new one.

  • luna2

    I wonder what the attitude will be when, again, nothing happens after their big tract campaign?

    Hopefully a few more people wake from their WTS-induced stupor.

  • Jim_TX

    Although those at the top are desperately trying to recharge it, the charger's almost dead too and the new light's so dim you can barely see Unfortunately, most Dubs would rather sit in the dark with a dead battery, rather than replace it with a new one.

    To push this analogy a bit further... it looks like they are - not recharging the battery... but replacing the bulb. If anyone has ever done this - when you unscrew a bulb - especially a battery-powered one - and replace it with a 'new' bulb, the battery has a few seconds to self-recharge. Then when the new bulb is screwed into the socket, it appears that it is burning brighter - for a few minutes - until the battery again drains to an even lower voltage level. Time to replace the bulb... and let the battery self-recharge - yet again. (Perhaps this is the origination of the term 'New Light'?) The problem is - the battery is the problem (I.E. the source of energy) - not the bulbs. Regards, Jim TX
  • Mary

    Duracell: Lasts longer than the generation of 1914

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    ((The Watchtower Society is quickly becoming someone trapped in mud who is sinking and trying everything they can to get free ))

    What absolute noncense!!!

    You do like to exaggerate here, don't you.

    Jehovahs organisation goes from strength to strength. Increase every year. Special tract campaign will help to sort the deserving from the not so deserving.

  • Mary
    Scotsman droned: Jehovahs organisation goes from strength to strength.

    Really? Jezus, and here I thought they were supposed to go door to door.

    Increase every year.

    Oh is that the whopping 1.3% increase they had last year? Here in Canada, they spent over 18,000,000 hours preaching and there was a 0% increase. In the USA, they spent over 185,000,000 hours preaching and they also had a 0% increase. The only place where there's any significant increases are in Third World countries where the people have no access to the internet.

    Special tract campaign will help to sort the deserving from the not so deserving.

    Ah yes......and why aren't you out there in Service right now Scotsman, helping to sort out the deserving from the not so deserving? Trying to start your time early today?

    What a knob.

  • Finally-Free
    Jehovahs organisation goes from strength to strength. Increase every year. Special tract campaign will help to sort the deserving from the not so deserving.

    What utter vomit! Perhaps you should re-read your own worthless cult propaganda. In one of its multitudinous flashes of "light" it admitted it has no part in any separating of "sheep from goats" (deserving from not so deserving).

    This organization doesn't go from "strength to strength" - it goes from lie to lie. The congregations here are smaller today than they were 20 years ago, so the only "increase" they experience is that of their own self delusion.


  • Liberty

    Watchtowerism has been without a viable doctrinal "energy source" ever since Fred Franz died in the early 1990's. They are truely running on fumes at this point, or as you put it so well, the battery is almost dead. Since Fred Franz successfully kicked out the best and brightest of his braintrust competition in the witch trails of the early 1980's his death really left the Watchtower Society in a pickle. Without an energetic and imaginative "Bible Scholar" who is adept at "mental gymnastics" no matter how misguided and looney, the Watchtower leadership has been in an intellectual vacuum for years now. This is a religion and, truthfully, all religion really has to offer are basically imaginative ideas held together by a sense of community and tradition. A comparitively young religion like Watchtowerism has very little tried and tested tradition to successfully recycle their time-failed ideas unlike traditional Christianity which has not relied on time-limited promises/ideas for 1800 years now.

    In short, the only appeal of Watchtowerism over traditional Christianity is its DOOM & GLOOM "Bible-based" tm. AREN'T THINGS TERRIBLE ONLY WE KNOW WHEN Armeggedon time -lines " and paradise your lifetime" extra complicated "deep" understanding by God's only Earthly Channel. Without any updated or interesting DEEP (it was deep all right) understanding of Bible prophecy they now really have very little to offer someone seeking an alternative to traditional Christianity. The fire is out and the coals are smoldering. If someone comes along with some new twists and some charisma these coals can be reignited but how many Russels, Rutherfords, and Franzes are there? So far none in the Watchtower camp who've been left alone long enough to take over.... so they get fumes, coals and dying batteries.

  • Sunspot

    Good post!

    I also think there are more newer JWs who are buying into what they are told rather than what they have seen and lived through as an older-in-the-WTS follower.

    I wonder what the attitude will be when, again, nothing happens after their big tract campaign?

    Most likely the WTS will trot out the parallel (that was shown so nicely on my thread about "THIS belief") about the "beginnings" of the pangs of distress as with a pregnant woman, blah-blah-blah....

    ...this will buy the men who run the WTS even MORE TIME for their happifying end result to come .... they watch for 5-6 billion of their friends, neighbors and relatives earthwide, to be slaughtered by the Watchtowergod.

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