Pioneer Letter

by purplesofa 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atlantis


    This letter is an older one but does relate to the problems pioneers face and are to over-come by prayer and trusting in Jehovah for help.

    We were always counseled to keep pioneering no matter what the obstacle. We were instructed to keep praying and to put our burdens upon Jehovah. Thinking of our own problems could be looked upon as 'selfishness inclinations' whether a pioneer had emotional problems, financial problems, transportation problems, or even had physical limitations!

    Here are some quotes from a pioneer letter we received in 1993. 'Wise self-management includes stopping to get necessary rest, rejecting materialistic or selfish inclinations that may arise in the heart, and keeping focused on the unseen things that are everlasting. This will help you cope with apathy, opposition, or limited local support without giving up. And how vital is the heart motivation of brotherly affection and love in dealing with personality conflicts and other interpersonal difficulties you may encounter, since "[love] endures all things"!--1 Cor. 13:7.' Then on page 2 we read: True, being in full-time service does not make you immune to the pressures common to all of God's servants, be they emotional, economic, or moral. But your earnest endeavors as a pioneer can draw you closer to Jehovah. Such closeness to him, reflected by constancy inprayer and in firm determination to search out his counsel and direction in dealing with problemsfaced, gives inner strength. (Prov. 3:5, 6) Daily your mouth is filled with his praise through the preaching work, and this keeps you more conscious of Jehovah's reminders. (Ps, 16:8) In Jehovah's strength you can go on to success despite obstacles that come up.--Ps. 18:19, 29. Page 1 Page 2 I hope this helps some. Cheers! Atlantis-

  • blondie

    The "pioneer" letter is a generic one sent to all the regular pioneers. Obviously, the WTS expects pioneers to get depressed.

    Reasons to be depressed

    1) No one shows up for field service

    2) The sister you made arrangements does not show up and does not call

    3) The sister you made arrangements with to go out for 2 or 3 hours decides after 1/2 hour that she has to go home.

    4) Two sisters show up but make it clear that their arrangements do not include you.

    5) Your car is in the shop and no one can pick you up even though 2 sisters who are going have to drive past your house to get to the KH.

    6) You are working 3 part-time jobs to make ends meet and these same sisters insist on using your car and never contribute for gas.

    7) You go out with sisters who spend the whole morning/afternoon talking about the flaws and juicy gossip in the circuit.

    8) Add your own.


  • purplesofa

    Thanks heaps,

    They really put the pressure on.

    My mom even told me she was going to sell her house and live more simply. I have been busy with my own sets of problems and now I can focus on her. She is hurting and she isn't getting what she needs from the Organization. I can see where if not careful, they will suck her dry.

    outoftheorg, Atlantis, blondie, OnTheWayOut,

    Thanks so much for your input. She is having a horrible time with no support and for over a year now she has told me that the congregations "personality" is that of being depressed.

    Pioneering is draining as there are very little that you get from it. You have to really be out there thinking that Jehovah really does know you are there, or if you are just trying to look good to others.

    Atlantis.......thanks for posting the letters, I wanted to know what they say so I know how to talk to her.

    I am for the first time PISSED at the Governing Body and the Organization, It's obvious to me how the weak are taken advantage of. The guilt trip is enormous if you don't measure up. I'm just hoping she will listen to reason regarding her health and not think it is an obstacle that Jehovah will miraculously fix for her.

    She is deep in grief and will be for a long time.


  • bigmouth

    That's a very sad tale about your mum purps. She must have been a great mother to have you care about her so much.

    Have you ever been in a situation where you'd pledged a certain amount to the congregation for a project and then found that you just didn't have the money because of an unforseen expense or unemployment for example?
    How guilty did you feel for not honoring your 'commitment'?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Please keep insisting that she not sell her house. Tell her to calculate the cost of using up her life's savings (that's what a home is to most) and then be broke. Tell her that Jehovah would rather have her content with sustenence and covering- covering is her roof of her house, and doing what she can in service, than going all out for a few years then being a burden to others.

    I say this because it sounds imminent to get her attention before she wrecks her life to be a pioneer. She really has too much on her shoulders to pioneer. If she won't seek professional help for depression (a regular doctor could even help) then you have to keep telling her how selling everything to serve Jah is not a good idea.

  • purplesofa


    I have gone though long spells with no contact with my Mother. She was very abusive and mean. But that is a whole other story. She is my Mom and I am worried about her.

    I have committed to many things I could not live up to. It feels really bad. I felt irresponsible, disappointed, like my word meant nothing. But, sometimes things completely out of our control happen that makes us unable to do as we want or need to do.

    My mother will push herself to pioneer, but as much as my Mom was abusive and mean she was loving. And she loved my half brother very much. He was very special to her.......and its only been 2.5 months since his death. I don't want her to stop her world and focus on his death but there is a process. And if there is depression with pioneering, she does not need that.

    She is in a delicate place right now and I will have to use kid gloves with her.

    She is VOLUNTEERING her services.

    I am trying to figure out how involved I want to get into this as I am fading and she is gungho. If I push too much it will be obvious how I feel about the WT. I can't get DF at this time. She will be sucked deeper into the org.


  • bigmouth

    I'm sorry purps, I made a rash assumption about your relationship with mum. More strength to you for the unconditional love you show her.
    Kind thoughts,

  • chiddy

    Purple Sofa

    Does not sound like your mum is in a very good frame of mind to tell the masses of the iminent day of Gods almighty mass murdering of 7 billion people, tell her to have a nice cup of coffee , or tell her to talk to me and I'll tell her je--ooooo-vahhhhh forgot all about it .......... forgettfull hebrew God!

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