Squirrel in my Bedroom

by OUTLAW 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Outlaw, I have to tell you this squirrel story.

    My Mom's cat brought a squirrel into the house unharmed and let it loose. The little stinker immediately hid behind the stereo and speaker wires. The cat of course was over it and could of cared less at that point. (actually sat and watched as we panicked)

    After turning the room upside down, using nets, nuts, peanut butter etc., we felt desperate......the door was left open for him to leave the entire time.

    I made a grab for him by his tail. IT BROKE OFF!!!!! He then wedged himself into one of the couches. We hauled it outside and he eventually escaped. What a nightmare!!!!!

    Glad your situation was handled by man's best friend!


  • beksbks

    My kitty would love to have so much freedom! She sits at the window twitching.

    CIMG0434.jpg picture by beksbks

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