Speaker Follies

by Butters 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    (Song of Solomon 7:1-8:4) 7

    "How beautiful your steps have become in [your] sandals, O willing daughter! The curvings of your thighs are like ornaments, the work of an artisan’s hands. 2 Your navel roll is a round bowl. Let not the mixed wine be lacking [from it]. Your belly is a heap of wheat, fenced about with lilies. 3Your two breasts are like two young ones, the twins of a female gazelle. 4 Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are like the pools in Hesh´bon, by the gate of Bath-rab´bim. Your nose is like the tower of Leb´a·non, which is looking out toward Damascus. 5 Your head upon you is like Car´mel, and the tresses of your head are like wool dyed reddish purple. The king is held bound by the flowings. 6 How beautiful you are, and how pleasant you are, O beloved girl, among exquisite delights! 7 This stature of yours does resemble a palm tree, and your breasts, date clusters. 8 I have said, ‘I shall go up on the palm tree, that I may take hold of its fruit stalks of dates.’ And, please, may your breasts become like clusters of the vine, and the fragrance of your nose like apples, 9 and your palate like the best wine that is going with a slickness for my dear one, softly flowing over the lips of sleeping ones." 10 "I am my dear one’s, and toward me is his craving. 11Do come, O my dear one, let us go forth to the field; do let us lodge among the henna plants. 12 Do let us rise early and go to the vineyards, that we may see whether the vine has sprouted, the blossom has burst open, the pomegranate trees have bloomed. There I shall give my expressions of endearment to you. 13 The mandrakes themselves have given [their] fragrance, and by our entranceways there are all sorts of the choicest fruits. The new ones as well as the old, O my dear one, I have treasured up for you. 8 "O that you were like a brother of mine, sucking the breasts of my mother! Should I find you outside, I would kiss you. People would not even despise me. 2 I would lead you, I would bring you into the house of my mother, who used to teach me. I would give you a drink of spiced wine, the fresh juice of pomegranates. 3 His left hand would be under my head; and his right hand—it would embrace me. 4 "I have put YOU under oath, O daughters of Jerusalem, that YOU try not to awaken or arouse love [in me] until it feels inclined."

  • fullofdoubtnow
    Your nose is like the tower of Leb´a·non, which is looking out toward Damascus.

    That sounds almost like he's saying she has a big nose.

  • blondie

    Must be using one of those software programs that do it without human thinking. My husband used that but then took a look at what the material was and made some switches.

    I remember a teenager brother being assigned the talk on "masturbation." His mother went to the school overseer and read him the riot act. A reassignment was made....

    I don't think the Song of Solomon is that bad...most teenagers have heard worse words and concepts at school by the time they are 12. Of course they aren't saying them from the platform to a room full of adults.

    My favorite one was a brother who said "immorality" when he meant "immortality."

    (1 Corinthians 15:53) 53 For this which is corruptible must put on incorruption, and this which is mortal must put on immortality.

    (1 Timothy 6:14-16) 14 that you observe the commandment in a spotless and irreprehensible way until the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15 This [manifestation] the happy and only Potentate will show in its own appointed times, [he] the King of those who rule as kings and Lord of those who rule as lords, 16 the one alone having immortality, . . .

    Thus safeguarded, Jesus gained immortality in the heavens

    No earthly rulers can claim to have been granted immortality, but Jesus can.

    Thus, Jesus is the first one to be described in the Bible as receiving the gift of immortality.

    For anointed ones, who heed what the spirit says, this means immortality in the heavenly "paradise of God," or Jehovah’s very presence.

  • stillajwexelder

    My favorite one was a brother who said "immorality" when he meant "immortality

    Yes I remember a brother reading the Watchtower who said immorality of the soul - rather than immortality of the soul

  • TheKings
    they have assigned it to a young teenage brother.

    this is always the case. why, why, why!

  • stillajwexelder

    this is always the case. why, why, why

    Well in fairness, in one congregation I served in with one particular TMSO, he was always careful to check the material and make assignments carefully. In my current congregation , the TMSO obviously just does a strict rotation and takes no note of the material

  • blondie

    Not every school overseer did this; my husband didn't, but the ones who did, were not paying attention to what the material was, rush, rush, rush.

    There is even specific direction to the school overseer:

    *** be p. 284 par. 9 Guidelines for School Overseers ***

    Consider the circumstances of individuals when making assignments. Is it necessary to assign a certain elder or ministerial servant to speak on the school on the same night that he is on the Service Meeting or the same week that he has a public talk in the congregation? Is it necessary to assign a certain sister to give a presentation on the same night as one of her young children, whom she may need to help? Especially in the case of a young one or a student who is not yet baptized, is the subject suitable?

    *** km 12/98 p. 7 par. 2 Benefit From the 1999 Theocratic Ministry School Program ***

    The school overseer should give careful consideration to the material before assigning the parts.

    *** sg study 2 p. 10 par. 7 The Theocratic Ministry School Brings Benefits ***

    He tries not to give a very young student a theme that would be unsuitable for one of tender years.

  • Butters

    Uh, Is that part of Solomon about Barbara Streisand by chance? Could be a prophecy the Witneses missed. They had that steam locomotive/bohemeth thing down pretty good, didn't they?

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